no. 7 | i still love you

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I sat on the edge of my messily made bed. It's been two weeks since Harry and me had talked. I wore a grey long sleeve and put my Gryffindor shirt over and headed to Potions.

"Okay, class! Today we will be doing a love potion. It will consist of the things that make you happy." The professor said.

I sighed and murmured a spell. The mist cooled my face with the scent of rain, fresh books, and, of course, Harry's cologne. I quickly disconnected the spell. Before that, I slipped some into a container.

After classes were done, I headed back to my room.

"Luna?" I said opening the door.

"Yeah, come in." She said with a hint of anger.

I raised an eyebrow and came in and saw Harry. I inhaled sharply and placed down the filled container on my bedside table.

"Hermione? Please come over here." Luna said. Though, she had a bit of anger hidden in her voice, the dreamy one drew it away.

I sat down on the edge of Luna's bed, keeping my distance from Harry.

"Harry, here, has been drifting away from Ginny. He told me why and I told him why he needs to be with Ginny. Hermione, would you please explain why I told him this?" She said gently.

I instantly sat up, knowing what she was talking about.

"Harry, you can't be distant from Ginny. I've told you once and I will tell you again. I don't want Ginny to be crushed, so please stay with her. If you love me," I said my voice cracking," you'll be with her."

Harry started tearing up," Hermione, I still love you."

My heart sunk a bit but I tried my best not to show it. I kissed him on the cheek and slowly pushed him away, keeping my smile. I turned to Luna and started to cry.

"Oh Hermione, I'm sorry. I wanted to-" Luna started but I cut her off.

"It's okay. You wanted to help. You did. Thank you, Luna." I sobbed out.

She stroked my hair and we went to the woods.

- at the woods -

"Look! A foe!" Luna exclaimed.

We heard distant growling and a hippogriff came into sight. I tried making a spell but nothing came out. I saw a glimmering rabbit and a charging hippogriff towards me before blacking out.


I flicked my wand out and exclaimed," Expecto Patronum!"

I was too late. The hippogriff had already attacked Hermione. I levitated her and brought her to the Madame Pomfrey's. (I hope that's her name, if it's not, I'm sorry) Passing shocked faces and a very worried Harry.

"Madame Pomfrey!!" I yelled bringing Hermione to a bed.

"Luna, dear. You will need to step out, I will inform you when she has awoken." She said pushing me out.

"No! That's my best-" the door slammed in my face," friend."

I sat down on the chair when Harry and Ginny came in. Harry was clutching Ginny's hand. I told them that Madame Pomfrey will tell us when she's better.

- 6:28 P.M. -

It was nearly time for bed when Madame Pomfrey came out. Harry shot up, Ginny mimicking him.

"Luna? Hermione is asking for you dear." She told me.

I sighed and walked in.

I saw a very pale Hermione laying there.

"Hermione!" I said running over to her. I broke down into tears. "I was too late. I'm sorry, if I would've been faster, you wouldn't be here. I'm so sorry." I said now having waterfalls.

She held my hand," Silly. Luna. You saved me. If you hadn't summon your patronus, the hippogriff could've finished me off." She said reassuring me.

I dried my tears and smiled," Harry's waiting outside." I told her.

She formed into a weak smile before she told me to let him in.

I walked out and turned to Harry and Ginny.

"She wants to see you." I told him before going back inside and sitting beside Hermione.


Firstly, I saw Luna come in. Then, Harry. Lastly, Ginny.

Harry was the first to speak," Hey, 'Mione. Ron is asleep, but we'll inform him first thing when he wakes up."

I sighed and smiled.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when that hippogriff attacked you." He said letting go of his grip on Ginny and wrapping me into a hug.

I croaked out,"It's okay, Harry. You don't always have to protect me. Just that hippogriff did leave some scars."


I couldn't help but notice when Hermione said the hippogriff leaving some scars, Ginny had smirked.

What? Is she happy? Wait a minute. I don't think a hippogriff would attack us randomly. Ginny knew. She knew I would cast my patronus. She knew it would knock out Hermione causing her to end up here. She knew because she was the one she summoned the hippogriff.

[a/n: two chapters in one day!! I'm going on vacation soon so I won't be uploading that much. When I do have free time, I'll try to upload :) in other news, there's a new cover!

 When I do have free time, I'll try to upload :) in other news, there's a new cover!

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Tell me what you guys think!
I would also like to take this moment to Dobby. *raises wand* you are missed and loved forever, Dobby.

-h xx ]

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