No. 2

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When I returned to Dinah's house the next day, I was nervous. I mean, how couldn't I be? She did kick me out.

I was actually even more nervous than when I came here the first time. That's only because back then, I kind of knew what to expect, but right now... not so much. All I've ever seen Dinah was friendly, but... I don't know, she was too sweet to me to allow me to even think about what she'd be like mean.

I just couldn't see it. She could literally do no wrong in my eyes.

I wasn't even sure that she'd open the door, so to pass time, I started shifting my feet, keeping myself busy. I'd already rung the bell once, and I really didn't want to be a nuisance. You never know with females. One minute you're cool, the next minute you do something and they just snap.

After two minutes, I'd decided to ring the bell again. It was getting cold out. The wind was a bitch. After I pressed on the button again, I shoved my cold hands into my pockets and began walking in circles to keep myself warm. It was really cold.

And then it happened.

She opened the door. And to my relief, she was wearing that precious smile, putting me at ease almost immediately. My nerves melted away.

As soon as the gate popped open, I opened and closed it, made my way quickly down the pathway and into the house. I was really really cold.

Dinah was already further in the house, in the living room I'm assuming. I closed the door and made my way towards my usual spot, but as I peeked into the living room, I saw nobody in the recliner, so...

"Take a seat, I'll be right over." She promised as if she had heard my thoughts.

"Okay." I nodded and made my way over to the usual couch, taking out my things. After I was all set up, Dinah returned from wherever she was a minute later with two mugs, so I'm assuming the kitchen, and my favourite smile. "Thank you." I smiled as she handed me the cup.

"It is freezing." she rolled her eyes lightly as she sat down in her chair. "Like as in... freezing."

"Yeah, it is." I chuckle as I remove my gloves and then pick my cup up again, enjoying the warmth. "God." my eyes almost rolled back into my head. There was nothing better than being warm after being cold. And I was basically an ice block. A walking ice block. I wasn't going to call Dinah out for probably ignoring me the first time, I mean, I was just happy that she didn't seem mad. She never does.

"So... topic for the day?" I asked, putting my cup down to grab my pen and open my notepad to a fresh page.

"Make it..." She paused as she pursed her lips, obviously thinking. "You know what?" She asked with a small smile. "Make it Ally."

"Ally?" I raised an eyebrow. "Okay." I obeyed the Poly's wishes, writing her best friend's name in my best Sunday School handwriting in the middle of the page. After that, I drew a neat, or at least I think it was, circle around it, and made my first line.

Best friend. 29. Artist (Painter and sculptor). Pretty (I added that one for good measure.) Heart of Gold.

I connected lines to all of them, leaving space, just in case Dinah wanted to add on to any of them.

"So when did you guys meet?" I began my list of questions.

"A few days after I moved here. It was the first week of school." She spoke, looking into the air with a small smile. It was adorable.

"You met at school?" I asked, confused. But then Dinah nodded silently, adding onto my confusion. I wasn't going to let this question slip. "But how? Weren't you in your last year?"

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