No. 16

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Nervous was an understatement.

I was an author, yet I couldn't find one word in my very extended vocabulary to describe how I was feeling right now.

My heart was beating in my chest, and I could hear it. I wasn't sure if Ally could, but I could.

"Stop overreacting." She hits my hand lightly, causing me to jerk at the sudden contact. "Sorry." She apologises.

"Sorry." I apologise too, although right now, I don't know what it's for. But that's been my life recently. All I've been doing is apologising left and right, all because my head was in my ass once.

"Okay." Ally rolls her eyes and takes my hand in hers, leading me to the kitchen. "You're overreacting, come here." She insists, and I do as she says, only because it's natural for me. I lean against the sink and watch her work around the kitchen, sort of amused at the fact that she's so tiny, yet she finds a way to get everywhere. It's actually quite... inspiring. Though she's short, she can get to wherever she wants.

I bit my lip and took out my phone, opening my memo and writing one word in a new page.


It's not Dinah's fault, but ever since I started writing for her, it's like my life had come to a stop, creatively. I couldn't think of anything, especially the past few days. I was having writers block, and it wasn't something designed for me, and I definitely don't like it.

Ally, after organising herself, handed me a glass with some water, and crystals at the bottom. See, I trusted Ally, I trusted her a lot, but this...?

"What is this?" I ask, taking the glass and lifting it above my head so I can see on the surface. It was as if I knew what it was, but I couldn't figure it out.

"Sugar." Ally sighs. "Sugar water." She motions to the whole glass. "It helps to calm the nerves." She explains.

"You believe that?" I ask, eyeing her. She didn't seem like the type. "Isn't that a myth?"

"Just drink the damn sugar water and stop being nervous." She instructs me, and me, being as whipped as I am, immediately down the water, grimacing as I get to the bottom of the glass, as the wet sugar touches my lips. "You're acting like Dinah is going to crucify you, she just wants to talk."

"Without my recorder?" I raise an eyebrow. "She's killing me off record." I inform Ally. "So if I scream, come immediately. You're an elf compared to her, but it doesn't mean you can't throw a few punches."

"That's true." She laughs. "But Dinah isn't going to kill you, I promise."

"Promise is a pretty big word." I tell Ally, smirking as I move closer, watching her suck in a breath.

"Yeah well, it seems I know what I'm talking about then." Ally replies, her voice equally as low as she looks into my eyes. She's silent for some time, but then she clears her throat, straightening up. "You should go see Dinah." She says, and I nod, almost obediently like a dog.

"Where is she?" I ask, straightening up as well, and she busies herself with rinsing the glass as she answers me.

"In her bedroom, she didn't feel like getting out of bed today."

I nod understandingly, and bid Ally farewell, telling her to keep her eyes and ears open for me, before making my way down the hall, towards Dinah's room. I walk past the study, but the blinds haven't even been opened today, so that probably means that either she still hasn't spoken to Lauren, or she instructed Ally not to open them. I pass the bathroom, the entertainment room, and Lauren's room, stalling before sighing and making my way to Dinah's room.

Love Is Blind - The Biography. (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now