No. 19

995 73 13

Dinah's POV:

"So you're packed and everything?" I roll my eyes lightly in response. "All your shit is in the bags, your hair stuff, your underwear, your-"

"-Lauren." I cut her off simply. "Chill." I instruct her. "You've asked me this three times already." I remind her. "And we haven't even been on the phone for-" I pause and check the call time, "-seven minutes."

"I know." she sighs heavily. "I just want to make sure that you're ready to come home."

"I'm more than ready." I assure her. "I haven't even been in here for two days, and I'm ready to look at something else. Like you know that expression? Looking at something with fresh eyes?"

"No." she says flatly. "No, I don't. Anyway." she says, changing the subject. "Are we still on for tonight? The drinks?"

"Definitely." I say, ready to go out and see the city. What? I was just really excited to see things now. Sue me. Just as I'm about to verbally express how excited I am, a nurse flags down my attention. I smile warmly at her, because she's nice, and then turn my attention back to the phone, giving her a single finger, signalling that she should wait. "Hold on." I tell Lauren before shifting my attention back over to the nurse.

I don't wait for a response, and lock eyes with the woman in white. "Miss Hansen." she smiles at me. "Sorry to interrupt." She apologises, referring to my phone call, but I wave my hand dismissively, silently telling her that it's fine. "Your... lift is here." she says. "Your ride." she clarifies.

"My ride?" I ask myself quietly, but smile back at her. "Thank you." I dismiss her. She nods and leaves. I turn back around and put the phone back to my ear. "Lauren, why didn't you just say that you were out- Lauren?"

I know that she did not just hang up on me when I clearly told her to wait.

"This bitch." I mumble, navigating my way through my phone to get to my contacts. I press on Lauren's contact, and hover my thumb over the call button, but I'm interrupted by the clearing of a throat. I turn and am met with a very relaxed, but nervous looking Normani.

"Hi." She gives me lopsided smile. The one side of her mouth is turned up so much more than the other, that I can see the faint dimple in her cheek.

"Hey." I greet her back, eyeing the keys that she's nervously playing with.

"Oh." she catches my line of sight. "I'm your Uber for the day." She announces. "If that's fine with you?" she asks, obviously having seen my facial expression.

"Oh. No. That's fine." I assure her quickly. "I didn't mean to... uh, yeah." I chuckle as I bring my hand to the back of my neck. "It's fine."

"You seem... unaware." She notes as she straightens her posture. "Lauren didn't tell you?" she asks. "That I was coming to pick you up?"

"No." I chuckle as I begin gathering my things, consisting of my two bags and my jacket. "But I could hear in the tone of her voice that she was up to something."

"Isn't she always?" Normani asks with a smile of her own. She watches as I get my bags, and then enters the room fully. "Let me get that for you." she says, referring to my bags. I allow her to get one bag, and hold my hand up to say that I've got the other. She nods and gestures towards the door. "Shall we?"

"We shall." I smile and follow behind her. Just as we're about to exit the room, she stops. "Wait. Do you need help?"

"I am perfectly fine." I decline politely.

"Oh. Okay." she forces a smile and offers to walk behind me. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but if everyone is going to keep fussing over me, I'm going to snap. I offer her a tight smile and make my way onto the hospital floor, but she stops me, gently laying her hand on my arm. "Ally made... provisions." She says, and only when she guides me in the opposite direction, do I understand.

Love Is Blind - The Biography. (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now