No. 13

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an interaction? finally.

Dinah's POV.

Today is a good day for my eyesight. I may have gone completely blind, but there are still times when I can see shadows, but lately the winter has been messing with my eyes, preventing the sun from shining on certain things so that I can see them.

But today the sun is out, and literally showing me the light where there was darkness.

"DJ?" I hear Ally's voice. "Are you up?" she sounds as if she's coming closer, but I remain quiet as she steps into the room. "You're dressed." She notes, and I nod with a smile.

I feel accomplished.

I didn't want to make my best friend feel like a nurse, but I didn't trust anyone else. I had trust issues, but I'm sure that almost everyone knows why now.

"Hold on, can you see me?" Ally asks as she moves closer, and I nod, my lips pulling into a smile. "This is great." Ally smiles herself as she bends down, pecking me on the forehead. "Especially today."

"How so?" I ask, interested in why today held such importance.
"Because you uh." Ally pauses to start packing things around the room in the right place. "You have someone here to see you."

I frown as I think of the possible people who could be coming to see me. "If its-"

"It isn't." Ally assures me. "I told her and Lauren to chill with the visits until you said it was okay."

"Good." I hum. "Because I don't want to see either of them. At least not now. I'm still a little mad."

"Uh huh." Ally nods and finishes tidying up. But then I think about it.

"Wait. So if it's not either of them, who is it?" I ask, and Ally remains silent as she leaves the room. "Ally, are you playing with me?" I call out. "Because this isn't funny."

More silence.

And then I hear it. Footsteps.

They sound uneasy. Because of my loss of eyesight, I've begun to use my ears more, and I've learned a lot about how people feel, according to the way they walk. Scared.

This person is scared. I keep my eyes, which are starting to blur, on the floor as the person walks in. I look at the shoes. Boots. Black boots. My eyes are still blurry, so I can't see them pretty well, but those are some sexy ass boots. I need a pair of those. It's winter too.

My eyes forget the boots, and trail up towards the matching dark outfit. Well this person must be depressed. Or maybe they thought I was dying, and dressed up for the occasion. I only wear all black to funerals.

Then when I came to the face, my eyes widened. The image was blurred, but I'm sure of who I saw. I blinked once. Twice. And then I brought my hands up to rub my eyes. The blur didn't go away, and neither did the face. I then rubbed my eyes again, this time more harshly. I heard the footsteps coming closer, but I ignored it. This was all just a figment of my imagination. Right?

Hands took a hold of mine, and I opened my eyes. The hands then left mine, I closed my eyes again and the cold thumbs smoothed over my eyes, causing me to calm down. "Don't rub your eyes like that." The voice was gentle. Familiar. "You'll damage them."

I don't even open my mouth to reply, and then open my eyes, my vision perfect again. And then I see it. Her. This time more perfectly.

Her face hasn't changed much, it just became more matured. I've seen it in pictures, but it is nothing compared to the real thing.

She's gorgeous.

"Dinah Jane."

I breathe in at the sound of her voice. She's really here. I close my eyes and feel her cold hands on mine once again as holds them in hers, obvously looking to comfort me. But it doesn't help. I shut my eyes tighter as I feel a warm tear making it's way down my face from my eye, falling all the way down my cheek, to under my chin, where it falls onto my clothes.

Love Is Blind - The Biography. (Norminah)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang