No. 18

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Normani's POV :

"How long do these things usually take?" I ask, sitting down next to Ally, after giving her a brief nod. I give Lauren a small wave and smile, and she raises her eyebrows.

I wasn't sure if we were comfortable with hugs yet, I mean, we had just sort of rediscovered each other. I didn't know how to act yet.

"Ten minutes. Maybe half an hour." Lauren mumbles as she sticks a lollipop into her mouth. "You know, minus complications and stuff. They've been prepping her for so long now."

"Wait. Ten to thirty minutes?" I ask, and Ally nods as she locks her phone.

"Yeah, it's a fairly simple procedure. Dinah was shocked too when she heard about the time frame." The blonde explains. "They just remove the lens, and replace it with a synthetic one. Easy."

"Wait." I try to get to the bottom of this situation. "So Lauren." I turn to the dark haired Latina. "You made me get like a shitload of snacks for a half an hour surgery?"

"Uh... well there is the waiting period." She shrugs and sucks on her lollipop, scrolling through her phone. She pauses for a second, and her emerald eyes lock with mine. "You will be here for the waiting period, right?" she asks, making me nervous. "It won't be long seeing as it wasn't a long surgery."

"Yeah." I clear my throat. "Uh, of course I will. I mean, I want to tell her how good she did doing this surgery, considering she didn't want to." I explain.

I then notice the absence of another person that I really expected to be here. "Where's..." I begin, but trail off as I realise that I have the worst memory, long and short term. "Uh..." I blush as I click my fingers. "I forgot her name." I admit.

"I pretend that I forget her name sometimes." Lauren admits. "You know, just to annoy the shit out of her."

Ally rolls her eyes. "She's getting Dinah a clichè, or non-clichè get well soon thing. But she's still thinking."

"Tell her that she has half an hour." Lauren instructs the older Latina, who rolls her eyes again.

"She knows."

"Black rose." I tell Ally, who raises her eyebrows in response. "Dinah loves black roses, even if it's only one."

"Noted." Ally begins typing a message.

"So Normani... Val, huh?" Lauren's eyebrows lift suggestively, and I roll my eyes.

"You know I don't swing that way, firstly." I begin. "And secondly, he's like a brother to me. A really... older brother."

"Doesn't change the fact that you were supposed to win." She shrugs as she sucks on her lollipop. "And that's tea."

"Well..." I chuckle. "I can't change the past."

"Okay, but you deserved to win. You were fucking sex on legs." Lauren argues. "Plus that shit was rigged. So..."

"Like I said." I repeat. "I can't change the past."

"And like I said..." She retorts. "You deserved to win."

"So she says that she can't get a black rose at such short notice." Ally interjects. "So she'll get food colouring and take a plastic rose and then..."

"That is so tacky." Lauren replies.

"It's actually so creative." I argue. "I mean, it is short notice."

"She has time to food colour though?" Lauren asks and then rolls her eyes as she sits down on the adjacent couch. "Plus, you can take off your hood... It's a private area. Ally made sure of that."

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