No. 12

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"Ally, are you sure about this?" I ask, looking over at the short girl, who's staring out the window, with a sad smile.

She probably thought that she'd never be here. It's understandable.

"I'm pretty sure." Ally hums, but my silence is obviously questionable, as she looks back at me, frowning. "Look, the only way to fix this, is not to listen to Lauren, first of all." She starts, causing me to crack a smile. "And it's also to go over there, and be the bigger person."

"And apologise." I add, causing Ally to nod. I swallow harshly. "I'm not good with apologies." I admit. "They make me sweat."

"Because you hate admitting that you're wrong?" Ally guesses, but I shake my head no.

"No, because I always trip and stumble over my words, and look awkward, so it always looks as if I was forced." I explain.

Which I am in this case.

"That's why you speak from the heart." The honey blonde instructs. Her roots are crying.

"But I'm not good at that." I argue.

"You're not..." She pauses, and pulls a face. "You write books, how are you not good at expressing emotions?"

"Uh..." I think for a while. "I think because it's better if I write stuff down."

"So do you want to write her a letter?"

"I'm not good at writing letters." I shrug.

"How are you... you know what? Let's stick with you going in there, and explaining yourself. And if you feel compelled to do so, which you should or else I'm really worried about you, apologise."

"I mean, I still don't like her so..."

Ally raises her eyebrows at me as if she's daring me to say that I won't do it. "But I'll still apologize though."


"Because you told me so?" I guess.

And that was actually truly the only reason why I was going to apologise. Because Ally told me to do it. And weirdly enough, if anyone asked me that lame question of "If Ally jumped in a fire, would you jump in too?", I'd probably say yes.

"Ugh, you know what?" Ally opens the door, and I panic.

"No, no." I stop her, putting my hand on her arm. "I'll go in there by myself, but if she refuses to talk to me, and the possibility of that is actually very high, then I'll come get you. Okay?"

"Okay." Ally closes the door. "But you try the best you can to get in there first."

"You don't want to talk to her?" I ask, and Ally shakes her head no.

"It's not that. It's just that... you know, I feel bad for... what happened between us all. Us deserting her without listening to her side of the story."

"I mean, it's clear that she was wrong." I speak up, but Ally still shakes her head.

"But still. She could have been going through hurt too."

"I doubt it."

"You dislike her that much to think that she doesn't have a heart?"

"She looks like she doesn't." I shudder as I recall all of Normani's sexy red carpet glares. She never smiled. But it made her look hotter.

"She does." Ally smiles sadly. "But go in there, and do as I say. Okay?"

"Okay." I nod obediently and leave the keys in the ignition in case the alarm goes off. I can't imagine how embarrassed Ally would be looking if I left her in the car, and the wind caused the alarm to go off.

Love Is Blind - The Biography. (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now