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Answer this at the end of this chapter... is it the end, or is it the beginning?

Dinah's POV:

"So where are y'all going?" Lauren asks, making herself at home on my kitchen counter, as if I don't prepare food where she's rubbing her Cuban ass all over.

"Uh, we're first going to see Onika for her thing, then we're going to discuss my thing." I shrug and pop a small piece of cheese into my mouth.

"Mhm?" Lauren raises her eyebrows, a smirk growing as she makes herself more comfortable. "And what are you doing afterwards?" She asks, a teasing tone to her voice.

"We're hanging out." I answer easily, not even glancing at the dark haired woman, who is probably still wearing that stupid smirk.

"Oh yeah?" she prompts and sits up straighter, resting her elbows on her knees, and her chin in her hands as she watches me, giving me her undivided attention as I finish up my sandwich. "Where to?"

"I wish I knew." I admit with a shrug and put the ingredients back in their respective places.

"So she's... taking you on a surprise date?" Lauren asks, and I pause to look over my shoulder, and I look at her for two seconds, biting the inside of my lip as I think of my simple response.

"No." I correct her, closing the fridge, and bumping against it to make sure that it's closed (the fridge is a sneaky bitch). "We're hanging out, as friends." I put emphasis on Lauren's least favourite word when it comes to Normani and I.

"Mhm. Sure. And y'all were hugging like friends too the other day, huh?" she asks, and I pick up my sandwich, and take a bite.

"Obviously." I roll my eyes. "You need to let this thing go. Normani and I are just friends, and we have been for a while now."

"I know." Lauren grunts as she swings her feet. "And its frustrating. Its been months since you guys reconnected, months." she repeats, putting emphasis on the time frame. "And you guys are still just friends."

"Because that's what we agreed on, and that's what we are." I shrug before taking a bite into my sandwich. "Besides, even if our friendship was to blossom into something else, we'd have to be friends first." I remind her.

"Wait." Lauren stops me excitedly. "There is a chance, is what you're saying?"

"What I'm saying, is that me and Normani are just friends." I clarify. "Nothing more, nothing less. So stop counting on it." I instruct her as I make my way out of the kitchen, and into the living room to finish getting ready. "Change the subject."

"Fine." The frustrated Latina groans. "Oooh." She says excitedly as a thought probably pops up into her head. "So are you excited?"

"You're going to have to tell me what you're talking about." I tell her while putting my watch on - it was one of my most important accessories, and the easiest to lie on.

"I'm talking about the book release." She rolls her eyes at me trying to bite my sandwich and put on my watch at the same time. "And... Onika's movie." She says as she walks towards me, lightly hitting my hand so that she can put my watch on.

"I'm actually really nervous." I admit, now that she's really asking. I watch as she clasps the part together, and then lock my eyes with her glowing, questioning green ones. "Well, these are different projects from what I've done before." I explain. "Firstly, with the book, I didn't write it, and I'm kind of putting all my cards on the table for everyone to see, so..."

"She's a good writer babe." Lauren assures me as she puts both hands on my shoulders, shaking me a little to knock some sense into me I guess. "But don't tell her I said that." She warns me, pointing one of her pale fingers at me.

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