No. 3

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Although we didn't leave on a bad note the day before, I was still a bit nervous as I stood in her house the Saturday. Like I said, the only day we didn't meet was on a Sunday, because straight out of her mouth "It's the day of rest", but the past two Saturdays, she had been like she always was, cheerful and ready to go. But on this particular Saturday, when she opened the door, she was still sporting a nightgown, and her hair was a mess. But she still looked cute. Then again, when didn't she?

So while she was taking a shower, it's eleven am mind you, I stood in the living room, finally taking my time to look through everything I had just always seen briefly. I started with the paintings.

They were all done by Ally, this I could see. At the bottom of each of the four that hung above the couch, there were initials A.B.H, and her signature, as I had seen many times, underneath that.

The first painting I studied was one with just Dinah. She was smiling. I must say, Ally is very good at what she does, because this Dinah looked very realistic. She was wearing a red dress, and her hand covered her mouth as she smiled widely, the little creases in her upper cheeks becoming evident. She loved hiding her smiles.

The second painting was of a car, with two heads in the front, and two in the back. It was as if the painting was "overlooking" the heads as they sat comfortably in the car, looking up at a drive in movie, I suppose. It was also really detailed. One head was Dinah's, for sure. The other two were Ally and Lauren's, but then there was another one. The hair on this head was brunette, with a touch of blue. Dinah seemed to have her head leaning on the brunette's shoulder, as if they were snuggled up, but the heads in the backseat (Ally and Lauren, I'm assuming) could still see. It was adorable.

Before I went onto the third painting, I took a peek outside at the road. I was curious to see who Dinah's neighbour was. But when I lightly shifted the lace curtain to get a better view, and saw a grey haired woman getting out of the car, I knew I was mistaken. But Dinah hadn't said that she lived here all her life. So... God, why was this neighbour thing so frustrating?

Why couldn't she just tell me?

With a heavy sigh, I made my way back towards the couch to look at the next painting.

The third painting was of a black rose. I always saw them as beautiful. Red was an elegant colour, and so was gold, but black took the crown in my eyes. Black roses were gorgeous, but the meaning behind them... it wasn't. And Dinah didn't seem like the dark type, so I couldn't get why this would be hanging in her house. But I wasn't going to question it.

The next painting was just what I said. A painting. A painting of a bowl of fruit. And it was a damn good bowl of fruit. Had me craving for an orange. I'd have to go to the store later to do shopping anyway.

After looking at the paintings, I moved towards the table in the far corner of the room. A small statue stood there. But when I approached it, I realised that it wasn't a statue. It was a sculpture, done by Ally of course. This I saw on the plaque pasted on the bottom of it. It was a book.

"Ally gave me that when I released my first book." Dinah's voice startled me to the point where I jumped up, clutching my chest. She chuckled as she threw the towel over her shoulders to prevent the droplets from her wet hair to irritate her skin. "It was a flop." she explained as she walked towards me, picking it up. It looked light. "Want to hold it?" She asked, feeling it quite a bit as she looked off into the distance. She did this a lot.

I nodded and she handed it to me. Wrong. It was heavy. I had to use two hands to hold it, and I figured out why. It was just so big. Her hands, I mean. She laughed as she took it out of my hands, feeling it again with on hand while holding it with the other.

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