No. 17

775 77 31

Normani's POV:

"I don't know if you can take it. Know you wanna see me nakey-nakey-naked."

"Onika." I grunt as I try to block out my sister's loud singing. She gave me a script to check for her latest movie, which is actually very intense, but now she's making a noise, so I don't know how she expects me to focus.

"What?" she asks, strutting into my room and throwing her hair over her shoulder.

"You're making a noise." I point out the obvious, and she rolls her eyes.

"And you're making me miss the chorus, what's your point Normani?" she sighs, and I begin to get riled up.

"My point, Onika, is that I can't focus." I grit through my teeth. "And I've been trying to edit this part of the script for a few hours now."

"Well then maybe there's nothing wrong." She shrugs. "When I'm with you, all I get is wild thoughts!" she yells, causing me to roll my eyes.

"So why would you give me something to fix, with no errors?" I ask, partially offended.
"Its part of your learning." She shrugs as if she didn't make me so frustrated to the point where I wanted to pull my eyebrow hairs out.

"Part of my... you know what?" I huff. "Fuck you, Onika." I hiss, but all she does in return is shrug, and continue making a noise. Between the two of us, we both had very thick skin, but she just really really really didn't care.

I roll my eyes and toss the script aside, picking my forgotten phone up to check my notifications. I raise my eyebrows at the three missed calls from a private number. I thought Lauren was done with this shit.

Great, now I'm stuck not knowing what she wanted.

Just as I'm about to clear notifications, a call pops up - Private Number. Jesus Lauren.

I swipe answer and put the phone to my ear, doing what Onika always told me never to, because apparently it's rude to assume that someone is on the phone, and it's awkward if it isn't. "What do you want Lauren? You gave me your number, remember?" There's a pause before the response comes.

"Uh, its not Lauren."

"Oh." I frown, recognising the voice immediately. "Is something wrong with Dinah, is she okay?" I ask uneasily.

"Yeah, she is." the voice replies with a slight chuckle. "Uh, see, I hope you don't mind. I got the number from your receptionist, I called and you weren't at work."

"Yeah, no, its fine. How may I help you?" I ask, pursing my lips.

"Dinah, she's... well, you were successful." She explains. "With the convincing. Guess who's going for surgery?"

"You're joking." I accuse.

"Not at all. She told me to get her booked, so I did. I don't know why, but I sort of felt obligated to tell you." She admits, and I run my tongue over my lips as the words sink in.

"That's okay." I assure her. "I'm actually glad that you did tell me."

"Yeah, that's good." She hums in agreement. "So do you want details or...?"

"No." I answer politely. "Thank you though."


"Yes." I confirm. "Anyway." I change the subject, eyeing my sister. "I have to go... knock some sense into someone."

"Oh okay then. Goodbye." She says formally, and I hum in agreement before ending the call myself.

"Who was on the phone?" Onika asks, making me jump out of my thoughts.

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