No. 11

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"I left for two seconds to go and get Dinah something, two!" Ally yells, causing the both of us to jump. "And I come back, and you two and your car is gone." Ally has some authority laced in her voice.

Lauren scuffs her sneaker against the floor, looking down at it while doing so, somewhat resembling a scolded school child.

I didn't want Ally mad at me, since it actually really wasn't my fault, so I did the only human thing I could do.

"It was Lauren."

"What?" the Latina mocked, gasping for air. "How was it me?"

"What do you mean how was it you?" I ask, genuinely confused.

I mean, even though I'm putting all of the blame on her, I have the right to. She lured me to my own car, under the impression that we were just going to talk, as we said, and next thing I know, we're inside an office building being rejected by Normani Kordei.


Now that I think of it... I was just being a dumbass.


But it's still all her fault. And partially mine for believing her.

But still all hers.

"Well I didn't hold a gun to your head and say come." she argues.

"Yeah, you didn't have to. Your smooth mouth was the gun, and I was an accomplice!"

"Accomplice?" Lauren sputters. "What are you? Five? I didn't force you anywhere."

"You lured me into the car, lied to me about where we were going, and forced me to follow you into that building." I state my point. "So..."

"Can you two stop raising your voices?" Ally intervenes, her voice a high pitched whisper. Oh, she's mad. And hot. But still mad. "If Dinah hears you, she'll be much more mad than me."

"Yeah, but at least she can't see us to beat our asses." Lauren mumbles, causing Ally to gasp.

"That is not funny." I tell the dark haired woman, and she sighs deeply.

"I know, I crossed the line. Sorry."

"Several times today, may I add." I interject, and Lauren rolls her eyes at me.

"Fine. Maybe I was a little wrong going over there like that, and taking you with me."

"Thank you." I smile, proud of her admitting that she was wrong. That took guts. I had admitting that I'm wrong.

"I should have taken Ally."

"Really, Lauren?" I ask, but she shakes her head.

"Listen, Ally would have gotten us in there. You're the trump card." she tells Ally.

"And you're an idiot, Lauren." Ally deadpans. "Sit down and tell me what happened."

"Here?" Lauren asks, uneasily.

"Why?" I sneer. "Do you want to go to the car again?"

"Listen." Lauren raises her eyebrows at me, leaning forward as though to threaten me, but I stand my ground.

"Just tell her what happened, I'm going to make some coffee." I roll my eyes and make my way into the kitchen. Hot chocolate was the usual, but not drinking it with Dinah was like betrayal towards her.

After fixing myself a really strong cup of black coffee, I come back to the living room to hear Ally and Lauren's conversation.

"So she heard that it was you, and didn't let you in?"

Love Is Blind - The Biography. (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now