No. 6

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I'd always realised that something strange was going on with Dinah Jane - I'd always suspected it. She wasn't looking as bright as she did when we first met, and she had much less energy. As in much less. So much less that all she spent her time doing, instead of excitedly drawing up plans, was standing in front of the window, staring at the grass outside. And she was looking more pale, and mostly confused. It made me worried.

"Hey Ally." I greeted the shorter blonde as I eased my way into the kitchen to drop the cups into the sink. We were full from hot chocolate.

"Oh hey." she smiles at me as she accepts the cups and begins washing them. She was over at Dinah's a lot nowadays, which just made everything a lot more... questionable. "Are you okay?" she asks me, and I nod, leaning back against the counter.

"Yeah, no, I'm fine." I rub both of my hands over my face. "Question is... are you?"


"I mean, is Dinah?" I ask, looking over at the blonde who was staring out the window again. It was like a routine. Yes, it looked peaceful. But it looked sad too.

"What do you mean?"

I sigh and grab Ally's arm, pulling her closer towards me. When she's close enough to see, I point at Dinah. "Look at her." I insist as I gesture towards her.

"What about her?" Ally asks, causing me to groan.

"What do you mean, what about her? For starters, she's not herself." I begin.

"Look... I don't wanna be rude or anything." Ally dries her hands off and folds her arms across her chest, leaning back against the sink. "How would you know what being herself is? I mean, you've known her like two weeks, maybe more. Maybe this is normal."

"That's the thing." I want to pull my hair out because of frustration. "It's not. It's not normal for her to just stand there, looking off into space and looking like she's lost colour and stuff."

"You need to calm down. It's winter, maybe she's just getting sick." Ally proposes, but I raise my eyebrow at this.

"You know what's going on, don't you?" I ask, and now it's her turn to raise her eyebrows.

"What are you implying?"

"That there's something wrong with Dinah Jane, and you know what it is." I accuse her. Her mouth all but falls on the floor.

"If there's something that Dinah would have wanted you to know, she would have told you." Ally replies before sighing, and running her tongue over her bottom lip. "Listen. Don't get yourself worked up over this. Okay?" she looks up at me, her big brown eyes shining, making me almost melt.

Why was she so pretty?

"Okay." I felt myself nodding, as if I was in a trance.

"Good." she smiles as she squeezes my arm and slides by me smoothly, making her way over to Dinah.

God, what is happening? Ever since I took this job, there's just been so much confusion and mystery and... it's all just too much for my heart. All I wanted to do was write for Dinah Jane Hansen, and get to know her - not want to rip my hair out.

But little did I know that I'd soon discover all that was to be discovered just a bit later on that same day.

"Do you mind?" I ask, leaning against the door frame as I watch Lauren aimlessly push herself around in the chair, popping her gum unnecessarily loud. "Dinah wants me to get her picture file off the computer." I hold up the USB.

She'd wanted me to get a few pictures for the book, ones of importance such as the one Lauren had taken for the school magazine that she had gotten confused about. Lauren looked at me for a good ten seconds before getting out of the chair, and standing next to it, gesturing towards it dramatically. "Your chariot awaits."

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