Part 1

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I wake up to the sound of footsteps creaking up the stairs. My room is still dark so I wait for my eyes to adjust before creeping out of bed and nearing my door. Suddenly it's thrown open and a bloody hand reached out and grabbed my face, covering my mouth. I kick out at anything within my reach but my short legs don't do much, if any damage. I try to scream but the large hand covering my mouth is stopping me from breathing. In the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of something that makes my heart stop. There are two limp, mangled bodies. My parents. Blood is splattered all over the living room and stairway. Tears stream down my face as the figure carrying me stalks down the stairs and out the broken window at the front of my house. I don't struggle. I can't. My body has gone numb from the scene that was right in front of my eyes only moments ago. My parents are gone. The person hauling me along reaches a car and throws me in the boot, yelling something to the other man in the front of the car. My kidnapper comes back around and stares into my wide, teary eyes with his empty ones before slamming the boot shut and everything goes black.

I was woken up by someone shaking me. Hard. I rolled out of bed and put my hand to my face. It was wet and I would taste the salty tears that had been running down my cheeks.

"Are you all right now dear?"

I looked towards the voice and saw the Matron. When I first came to the orphanage I thought that she would be horrible and mean, but she's actually very caring.

"I'm fine Matron."

I grin at her, wiping the tears from my face. She smiles back as I get to my feet. This is the third time this week I've had the flashback, but Matron doesn't need to know that. When I was six I was taken away and my parents murdered. I've missed them every day since it happened and I would give anything to get them back.

Suddenly Matron speaks up, reminding me why I hate getting up every day.

"Get ready for school, we're leaving in an hour!"

School. Why do we even need to go? It's not like the teachers ever teach us anything useful anyway! Ravenwood High School is possibly the worst school you could go to if you plan to get anywhere in life. Sadly, I have no choice about which school I go to, since I live at Radiance Orphanage. There are mostly little kids at the orphanage, so they mostly go to Ravenwood Junior, a few blocks down. Being the only 16 year old at Radiance can be horrible at times, but also peaceful. The only time I'm with others my age is a school and that's not necessarily a good thing. I let out a slow breath. Time to go get ready.


Hi everyone! Thank you so much for choosing to read my book! This book will have a lot of similarities to my first book, Kidnapped, that I took down a while ago. Also, PLEASE comment if you think of a good title or see any spelling or grammar errors, it would mean a lot :)

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