Part 19

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I struggle through my first class before lunch. My mind is refusing to work properly, but luckily for me, I have art now. Art is my one true passion in life, I don't know what I'd do without it. I'm not the best at academics, but I'm extremely proud of my artworks that decorate the school. My art class is taught by Mrs Jacobs, who's son, Connor, plays basketball for the Panthers. While Isla isn't in this class, my friend Bianca is.

I've known Bianca since Year 8 when she moved to Ravenwood High with her girlfriend Sabrina. Our school got a shock when they first moved here, as everybody is either straight or still in the closet, but everyone recovered quickly, accepting the fact that they were lesbian and moving on. They've been together for five years and still going strong, despite Sabrina moving schools last year. 

When Bianca first came to Ravenwood she was shy as anything and kept to herself, only talking to Sabrina, but now she's one of the most outgoing and loud people I know (which isn't saying much, since I'm pretty much only friends with her and Isla). Isla took Bianca under her wing immediately, same as she did for me years before. The three of us have been inseparable ever since.

I walk into class and set my stuff up, five minutes early. It's no surprise to see Jayden Miller already here and set up. He probably got let out early from the previous class. Jayden is basically a genius but so nice and absolutely phenomenal at art. Nobody else is in the room, so I take the table directly opposite from him and place my stuff down. Jayden glances up at me and smiles.

"Hey Hayley! Do you know what we're working on today?"

I smile back and sit down, resting my elbows on the table.

"Probably the same thing we've been working on for the past three weeks Jayden."

"Oh right!!!"

Jayden walks over to the drying rack and pulls his piece off, placing it gently on the desk. He looks over at me curiously.

"Which one's yours?"

I grin at him and get up to collect my canvas. This is my favourite piece this year. We get to draw whatever we want on a large piece of canvas and then paint it using acrylics and watercolours. I've nearly finished my drawing and, not to brag, but it's looking amazing! I drew a ballerina because, well, I didn't really know what else to draw. I can't dance to save my life, but after suffering through dance in Year 7 and 8 I know what a good dancer looks like. Isla is an amazing dancer, so really she was my inspiration for this.

I glance over at Jayden's work and feel my eyes widen as I take in his drawing. Like me, he's finished the drawing part and is ready to start with the watercolours. Like I said before, Jayden is an amazing artist. He's drawn an electric guitar with flowers on and around it. The detail is amazing and I have to force my eyes to look away. Everyone in our class is so talented and the end of year art exhibitions are always phenomenal.

Jayden and I talk for a while longer as the rest of the class slowly filter in. Bianca walks in and spots me immediately, running over and giving me a hug.

"Oh my god Hayley! I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

She shouts in my ear, squeezing me so hard the air is knocked out of my lungs.

"C-can't... Breathe!"

I manage to croak out and Bianca loosens her death grip on me. I suck in a deep breath then smile innocently at her.

"Didn't tell you what?"

"About Noah! I thought we were friends! I can not believe you didn't tell me sooner. I had to hear it from Elsie. Traitor."

Elsie McDonald. The school's biggest gossip. She knows everything about everyone and will tell you whatever you need to know, for the right price of course. I wasn't aware she knew I existed, but like I said, she knows everyone.

"All right, all right! I'm sorry for not telling you but I have a good excuse!"

Bianca crosses her arms and looks at me pointedly.

"Well ok, maybe I don't have an excuse, but I really am sorry! I swear next time I'll tell you sooner. Promise."

I hold my pinky finger out to her and she takes it with a laugh before sitting down next to me.

For the rest of the lesson Bianca, Jayden and I just laugh and talk while we're working on our pieces. He's a really nice guy, and really funny, but unfortunately both Bianca and I are taken. Bianca has been dating Aaron Walker for about 9 months now, and they're adorable together. Aaron plays basketball with Jayden and Marco but doesn't sit with the at lunch for whatever reason. Bianca always sits with him, so I never see her as much as I used to, although we've stayed really good friends.

The bell is going to go off in ten minutes, so we clean up and start heading to our next class. Bianca walks in the opposite direction from Jayden and I to her locker, leaving us in a semi-awkward silence. We kind of stare at each other for a second, holding each others gaze before bursting out laughing. Soon, we're gasping for breath in a deserted hallway. I get ahold of myself and straighten up, trying not to laugh anymore. Jayden does the same, so we continue to our lockers which are pretty close to each other. Neither of us speak as we walk down the halls until Jayden opens his mouth.

"So, are you and Isla sitting with us at lunch?"

I nod, "Yeah, Noah asked me before and I told him we would."

"Cool. So Isla... Is she... you know..."

I decide to put him out of his misery before it gets too unbearable and I die of awkwardness.

"She's single."


"But... She likes someone."


The disappointment on his face is hilarious, adorable and heart breaking all at the same time. I pat his shoulder self-consciously, unsure of how to comfort him.

"She'll never make a move on this person though, so you definitely have a chance."

I wink at him, "I'll even put in a good word for you."

His face immediately brightens and the smile consumes his face.

"You would really do that? Thank you so much!"

"No worries, Jayden. But if you hurt her, I will ruin you."

"I won't, I promise... Also, does she like Marco?"

I gape at him for a solid ten seconds, trying to work out what to say. How did he guess? Well I guess she isn't exactly the most subtle person in the world but guys are meant to be dumb! I know they aren't really, but that's beside the point.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, especially Marco, although I wouldn't be surprised if he already knows. Nothing gets past that guy. It's pretty obvious too, I mean the way she acted earlier when he pulled her onto him lap? Pretty sure bright red isn't a normal colour for her face to be."

I laugh at this and shove him with my shoulder, my 5 foot 4 frame barely making him move. We finally get to my locker, Jayden's just around the corner. I wave at him and he grins back, calling out, "See you at lunch!" before disappearing out of my sight. I put my books back in my locker just as the bell rings and walk off.


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