Part 8

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"Hey, Noah!"

I freeze and spin towards the voice calling his name. Noah has a grin on his face and I catch a glimpse of the person jogging towards us. It's Marco Wright, the captain of the Panthers. He reaches us and him and Noah do a bro-hug and I roll my eyes at them. Marco has just realised I'm here and smirks down at me.

"So is this the lovely lady you've been telling me all about, Noah?"

Noah laughs and internally I'm screaming. He talks about me? The world is ending and I'm trying so hard to play it cool.

"Yeah Marco, this is Hayley. Hayley, Marco."

"How you doing Hayley? Did you enjoy the game?"

Marco's smirking at me again, like he knows something I don't.

"Uh, it was good?"

I say, more of a question than a statement. Obviously not the answer Marco was looking for, as his face falls and he looks disappointed. Noah comes to my rescue thank goodness.

"Hayley doesn't know a lot about basketball. In fact, she's never been to one of your games before tonight."

Marco gapes at me, completely shocked.

"NEVER? But, but... surely that's not true?"

I shrug, not really caring what his reaction is. He's looking from Noah to me and back, trying to decide if that's true or not.

"I thought that was illegal?"

I roll my eyes (again) at how dramatic he's being. You would think it was a life or death situation the was he's acting! Noah's trying to reassure him that he played fine. I think I wounded his ego. Oops.

"You played fine, mate. She doesn't know any better!"

Ouch. Thanks for that Noah. I frown slightly and turn around, getting into the car. Call me a drama queen, but I was freezing out there! I just have great timing. I close the door but I can still hear the boys speaking through it, slightly muffled. Marco's talking and I can see by Noah's posture through the window. His shoulders are slightly hunched and I can see that his ears are red. I listen to what Marco's saying and I blush, glad that neither of them can see me.

"So what's the deal with you and Hayley? You obviously like her and if I didn't know any better I'd say she likes you too. Have you asked her out yet?" pause "Don't roll your eyes at me, man! I know you and this is the same way you acted when you first met Kalani."

Kalani? Who's Kalani? I don't really care, but I am very curious. Ha. I really can't lie, especially to myself. I tune back in to the boys' conversation. This time Noah's talking and he sounds kind of strained, like it's painful to talk about.

"...matter anymore. She left and I waited. But she didn't come back, and I stopped waiting! That one was on her. Kalani was the only girl I had ever liked and I nearly threw my entire life away! I'm over her."

"Woah man, chill out! I was just saying, you were in love with her, and I'm getting the same signals from you now. Anyway, Kalani is your past. You were, like, thirteen! We all make mistakes sometime in our life and it's over now. But did you ask her out?"


"Good. Anyway, I gotta go back to the team, so I'll meet up with you at school Monday. See you!"

I watch out the window as Marco turns and catches a glance of me. He winks and I flush red, shrinking back into my seat. He jogs off back towards the stadium and I watch as Noah paces around outside the car, running his hands through his hair. After around thirty seconds he walks around and gets into the car. Noah looks at me and shoots me a small smile.

"Lets get you home."

No. Noooooo. There's no way to avoid it. If Noah and I are going to mean anything to each other, I need to tell him the truth. I need to tell him that I'm an orphan. Which means I have to tell him I was kidnapped.


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SilhouettesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora