Part 18

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I know I said I couldn't wait for recess, but now I'm regretting saying yes. What if his friends don't like me? What if I say something weird? What if Isla embarrasses me? Well, the last one will definitely happen, but that doesn't stop me freaking out. I'm nearly hyperventilating just thinking about it and Isla is just standing next to me talking. I try to focus on what she's saying to distract me from my overthinking.

"- and then Bianca told me that she heard Marco and Jayden talking about me. Well not really about me but she swore they said my name. Do you think he likes me? I think he might. But I mustn't get my hopes up just in case..."

I tune out again. Isla's had a crush on Marco since she met him. I get it, I mean he's really hot, but he's such a player and basically all the girls in the year want to date him. He's pretty much your stereotypical popular jock in high school. I mean, he can be nice occasionally, but very rarely. I feel sorry for her sometimes, but there's no talking her out of whatever it is. Believe me, I've tried.

We reach the cafeteria entrance and I stop and face Isla.

"I don't think I can do this Isla."

She grabs my shoulders and gives me a reassuring look before, without saying a word, pushing me through the doors. I stumble through and lose my balance, tripping over my own feet. Luckily, Isla realises I'm about to fall and grabs me, pulling me upright just in time. My gaze sweeps over the large room before stopping on the loudest table. There's only five people sitting there at the moment. Of course, Marco is right in the centre of attention, throwing chips in the air and catching them in his mouth. I glance at Isla and see her eyes are locked to him.

"Sweetie, he's going to catch you if you keep staring."

Isla blushes furiously and crosses her arms, glaring at me.

"Shut up... Not like you've never stared at a guy before."

She nods towards the table and I see Noah, sitting off to the side a bit, laughing at his best friend's antics. My face, of course, goes bright red, causing Isla to laugh in my face. She takes my hand and drags me towards the table where my boyfriend, Marco and the other guys, Taylor (who invited me to the party), Jayden Miller and Dominic Elliot, some guys on the Panthers. Isla pulls me across the room and I swear I can feel everyone's eyes following me. Of course, in reality nobody is paying any attention to Isla and I, and we continue to the table.

When we're just about there, Noah looks up and catches my eye. His face immediately brightens and he gives me a warm smile moving over on the bench he's sitting on. Isla releases my hand and gives me a little shove. I walk around to the other side of the table and take my place next to Noah, who takes my hand under the table once I sit down. Isla looks at the table, obviously unsure of where to sit. One of the guys, Jayden, notices and shoots her a wink.

"I saved you a seat, babe... Look I even kept it warm!"

He pats his lap and Isla rolls her eyes and lets out a laugh. Suddenly she's yanked to her left towards... Marco. He had grabbed her hand and pulled her into his lap. Oh my god. The look of her face right now is great, she's completely speechless.

"I saved you a seat too, baby."

Isla blushes and looks down at her hand, which is still clasped in Marco's. She still hasn't said anything. Suddenly, I feel something on the side of my face.

"They'd be cute together, huh?"

It's Noah. He's leaning in close, so only I can hear him. Not that it would matter anyway, the rest of the guys have their attention directed to Marco and Isla. I look at him and he's smirking, like he knows something I don't. I glance at him, waiting for him to explain but he doesn't.

"What do you mean by that?"

He chuckles, "Who me? Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

I groan and hit his arm, laughing.

"How sad. We've been dating for a day and you're already keeping secrets from me! I've been betrayed!"

I take my hand (the one that's not holding Noah's) and put it on my forehead dramatically. Noah laughs and takes it, pulling it down into my lap.

"I'll tell you later, I promise. But not right now, in front of..."

He nods to Isla, Dominic, Taylor and Jayden before looking back at me. I nod at him before turning my attention to the current conversation. Jayden and Dominic are discussing the upcoming game while Marco listens. Isla keeps glancing at Marco and blushes furiously when she catches my eye. Noah nudges me with his shoulder and gives me a knowing glance. For the rest of lunch, Noah and I sit hand in hand, listening to Taylor and Marco bicker over something to do with basketball and watching Dominic and Jayden daring each other to so some stupid things. I lean against Noah, treasuring his warmth and watch the boys. When the bell goes off for the end of lunch and kids start to drift off to their classes, I'm almost disappointed. Jayden, Taylor and Dominic get up and head off to class, telling Marco and Noah they'll meet up at lunch. I slid my hand out of Noah's and stand up from the table.

"Thanks for, um, inviting us to sit with you?"

I say awkwardly, unsure of what to say. I look desperately at Isla, who's smirking at me. She gently unwraps Marco's arm from around her waist and stands, smiling at the two.

"What she means to say is, you don't mind if we join you for lunch?"

I gape at her and quickly look at Noah. He catches my eye and nods before a huge smile breaks out on his face. I smile shyly back at him and he gets up from the table, standing right in front of me. He takes my hands and pulls me into a kiss before looking at Isla and Marco then back at me.

"You can definitely join us at lunch, but if you want Hayley?"

A grin settles on my face and I hug him quickly, knowing we have to get to class.

"I'd love to."

Isla and I walk off after saying goodbye to both of them. As we go, I grin at Isla, who's smiling like the Cheshire Cat and still blushing slightly. She notices eventually and raises her eyebrows in a silent question.

"Just though you should know, you got a little drool..."

I laugh as she flushes a deep red before shoving me and giving me a death glare. I blow her a kiss as we get to our lockers before going our separate ways for the next class.


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