Part 11

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I take my seat in class, glad that I'm not the last one here. There's still a few desks that are empty, or that only have one person sitting on them. I always sit by myself in history and in maths I have to sit with Nathan Andrews, a basketball player for the Panthers. I saw him on Sunday when I was with Noah. He's just as useless at maths as I am, which is saying something.

I jump as a bag is suddenly dropped onto the desk that I'm sitting on. Breaking out of my daydream I look up and see Marco. What? Why is he sitting here? He casually pulls the chair out and slides into the seat. I'm staring at him and Marco's just giving me his trademark smirk. I look down at my hands clasped on the desk, my desk. Building up the little courage I have I look at him next to me.

"Why are you sitting here?"

Marco puts a hand over his heart and pretends to be hurt. I try not to roll my eyes since usually, in my limited experience anyway, rolling your eyes makes it worse.

"Oh my, Hayley. What a way to greet your new boyfriend's best mate! Just wait until I tell Noah!"

I glare at him and he raises his hands in mock surrender. I look back down t my desk, determined not to talk to Marco anymore than I have to. He isn't a bad guy from what I've seen, but if he's just going to tease me about Noah the entire time, I don't want to hear it.

"Come on Hals, I'm just messing around. You know you love me really."

I turn around to him doing puppy dog eyes and as much as I don't want to admit it, it's actually really cute with his blue eyes. Not that I will ever say that aloud to him. Ever.

"First of all, my name's Hayley. It's not that hard. Second, Noah is not my boyfriend. And third? You have literally never spoken to me before today. Why start now?"

He looks at me, pretending to be hurt. As if. It's Marco Wright, nothing I say will affect him.

"Did you tell Noah that? That he isn't your boyfriend? Because I don't really think he knows."

"Oh yeah? And what makes you say that?"

"Hm, maybe the fact that he told me he asked you out and you said yes and then you two made out?"

I blush and slap his arm, not that it will do anything.

"We didn't make out. We just... kissed a little bit. Also, going out on one date does not classify Noah as my 'boyfriend'."

Marco raises his eyebrows at me and opens his mouth to reply, but before he can get a word out, a sharp voice interrupts him.

"Miss Ross and Mr Wright! Will you please finish your conversation and direct your attention to the front?"

Ms Sparks, our history teacher, is possibly the strictest, most sarcastic teacher in Ravenwood High, has just entered the class. Usually whenever she steps into a classroom, everyone goes silent, but since Marco had distracted me I failed to notice her walking up to the desk.

She looms over us, even Marco wilting under her piercing glare. She frowns at him before turning her gaze to me. Her electric blue eyes seen to see straight into my head and I cower in my seat as the rest of the class watches on with a sort of tense excitement. I should be fine, as long as she doesn't say-

"I have been waiting too long for the both of you, so you can wait with me. You two, stay behind after class."

As long as she doesn't say that. Damn it.

I groan and hide my face in my hands as Marco looks around the class, running his hands through his blonde hair. Ms Sparks glares at us once more and turns back to the board. I sneak a glance at Marco and see that he's looking back at me. He leans over as to whisper something to me but I put a hand up, causing him to make a face at me. I glance around, seeing that Ms Sparks has her back turned, writing on the board. I put my lips to Marco's ear, grinning as his eyes widen at me.

"I'm going to get you back for this."


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