Part 21

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Hayley POV

I didn't get a chance to talk to Isla after lunch yesterday since on Tuesdays after lunch I have science with Taylor. After she stormed out of the cafeteria, Noah, the guys and I just continued on as normal for the rest of lunch, despite me being so distracted thinking about Isla. After school had finished, I got a lift home from Noah and a promise from him to take me out to get ice cream today as a way of apologising about Isla. I called her so many times last night but she never picked up. I'll just have to ask her today at school.

I walk hand in hand with Noah, who met me at the gates, my eyes searching for Isla in the busy hallways. Even if I don't find her before the first class, I've got study period first with her, Noah, Marco, Jack and Jayden. I'm actually excited for this, it's always just been Isla and I during study, the idea of having more people to slack off with is kind of appealing. Noah nudges my shoulder with his and I look up into those warm brown eyes with a smile. He smiles down at me.

"What're you thinking, Hayley?"

"Well, I was just thinking about our first class-"

"Ahh, yes, study. Which we have together. In the library. Doing lots of 'study.'"

Noah wiggles his eyebrows suggestively with a playful smile and I laugh, hitting him lightly on the arm.

"Shut up Noah, I actually need to study! You're meant to be tutoring me, remember? Plus, we're with Isla, Marco, Jack and Jayden, so we can't do anything."

He pouts adorably and I reach up, kissing him lightly, a smile still on my lips. He lets go of my hand and wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me to him.

"Well, lets go find the others then!"

The first person we find is Jack, who's talking to a girl who I don't know. She has straight brown hair with purple tips and is leaning against the lockers. They're laughing and as we approach, Jack throws us a wink and says something else to the girl. She punches his arm hard enough that he winces before walking off down the hallway. Jack runs a hand through his white locks and turns to us.

"Hey study buddies!"

I wince at the horrible name and glance at Noah, who looks uncomfortable. Jack laughs loudly and wedges his way in between us, throwing his arms casually around our shoulders and dragging us in the direction of the library.

"Sorry guys, I couldn't resist! I know it's horrible. Have either of you seen Jayden or Taylor yet?"

I shake my head, having got here a bit later than usual when everyone's already arrived, so I didn't see anyone. Noah nods.

"Yeah, I saw Taylor walking in with Dominic this morning when I was waiting for Hayley. I haven't seen anyone else yet. We'll see Jayden and Marco in study though."

"And Isla!" I chime in. Jack gives me a thoughtful look and unwraps his arms from us, just walking normally.

"How's she doing, by the way? She looked pretty upset yesterday."

I shrug before replying, "I don't actually know. I tried calling her a few times last night but no answer. I guess we'll find out in study."

Jack nods and swings the door open for us as we reach the library. There's a few kids already here, including Jayden, but no sign of Isla or Mr Matthews, our supervisor. Or Marco for that matter. I wonder where he is. Jayden is sitting at a round table with six seats in the middle of the library. He has headphones in but notices us as we approach him. He pauses his music and pulls them out as his face splits into a grin.

"Hey guys! Long time no see!"

"Jayden, we saw you yesterday." Noah rolls his eyes at him and I have to bury my face into his jacket to keep from laughing at the overly dramatic wounded look on his face. Jack doesn't even try and begins to laugh, loud enough for the librarian to give us a stern warning glare. I grin sheepishly at her before collapsing into a seat. Noah takes the chair next to me and Jack sits next to Jayden. I put my elbows on the table and rest my hands on them, looking at Jayden.

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