Part 4

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***Bold=Noah, Italics=Hayley***

It's the end of school, and I'm walking home when suddenly my phone buzzes from my pocket. No one ever contacts me since I only have one friend, and Isla knows I never reply to her texts. I pull my phone out and see that it's a message from an unknown number. I quickly read it;

"Hey, I was wondering if we could schedule a tutoring session this afternoon? -Noah"

I gape at my phone before quickly texting back.

"How did you get my number?"

"Isla gave it to me, we're in the same history class." Great, the one class I don't have with her, Noah's in.

"Ok, I'm free at 4:30, hbu?"

While I'm waiting for his reply, I hurry across the road to the orphanage. It's only a 15 minute walk, so I'm usually home by 3:20. My phone buzzes again and I quickly open it to check.

"Yeah that's fine, can I meet you at your place?" I read the message and start to panic. Noah can't come to Radiance! What would he think if he knew that I lived with a bunch of other kids under ten? I swiftly reply,

"Sorry, can't be at mine, how about we go to you house?" I open the front door and make my way up the stairs.

"My mum's at home so can't be here. Maybe the library?" I sigh in relief. He doesn't need to find out where I live.

"Yeah the library's good"

"Perfect. See you in 20 then?"

"Yep, bye!"

I flop back onto my bed and sigh. Then his words sink in. "See you in 20 then?" Crap! I have 15 minutes to get ready! I rush around my bedroom, flinging clothes around before deciding on blue jeans with rips in the knees, a cream jumper and my light blue converse. I shove my books into a small backpack and race down the stairs. I scribble the time and where I'm going in the notepad at the front door and run across the street. I check my watch and see that it's only 4:15.

I still have 15 minutes! I slow off to a walk and try to relax. I start thinking about Noah. How could I possibly have missed him all these years? Surely I would have remembered him from somewhere. I mean, what are the chances of me never being in any of his classes or running into him? Before I know it, I've reached the library. I smooth my jumper and check my hair before pushing the door open. And smacking my face against the glass. Real smooth, Hayley, real smooth. I clutch at my nose as a hand comes from behind me and pulls the door open. Noah.

"Uh, I knew it was a pull door...", I stammer.

He looks at me incredulously before rolling his eyes and entering the library with a smirk on his handsome face.

"Sure Hayley. I'll let you believe that."

Half an hour into my tutoring session and we haven't gotten a bit of work done. Noah keeps distracting me by telling the worst jokes and puns, but they're somehow hilarious!

"Noah, seriously, I do need to study. And you really need to help me." I say, calming down a bit. I really, really need this help. I don't want to fail maths, who does? Noah may be my only chance at passing right now.

He shoots me a smile and says, "Ok then, what do you need help with?"

"Um, right now, everything." I grimace and look down at my hands, embarrassed at how little I understand. He nods slowly.

"Hm, ok then. How about we start off with the basics."

Our study session went for more 3 hours before we got kicked out since the library was closing. As we pack up Noah looks over at me. "Did you really not know who I was until this morning?" He asks, looking genuinely confused.

"How did you know?"

"Isla." Oh. That little traitor. I'm going to get her back for that.

"Oh, right. I remember you from Year 8 but after that... I don't know how I never noticed you though. I mean, I keep to myself but surely I would have seen you before."

"I knew who you were, even before this morning." He says almost shyly, his eyes flickering up to mine and then back down to his hands. That's weird. Most of the kids in my grade don't know me. I only have one friend and that's Isla.

"I always see you with Isla." Ah. Makes sense. But how does he know Isla so well? Seeing my look of confusion, Noah chuckles before answering my unasked question.

"Isla's in my history class and she also lives next door to my best friend."

"And who's that?"

"Marco. Marco Wright? Surely you know him?"

He's friends with Marco Wright? Wow. Marco is the star player on the schools basketball team. His team, the Panthers, have won every grand final since he joined them. He's a giant at 6 foot 6 especially compared to me at 5 foot 4.

"Wow, how could you not know him? He's only the best player the Panthers have ever had. I didn't know you two were friends though."

"Yeah, I don't get out a lot. Honestly, I prefer to be alone rather than at parties. Basically the complete opposite of Coco really."

That explains why I've never seen him. Although, I don't really go to parties myself. Wait a second... Coco? Really?

"Wow really, Coco?"

"Damn, forget I said that, ok? Marco will kill me if he knew I told someone about it. I've called him that since he was 4, it's an inside joke."

I laugh at him and nod my head.

"Ok, it's not like I talk to him anyway. I've never even been to one of their games."

Noah stops walking and grabs my hand, forcing me to stop with him.

"Wait, never?"

"Yes, never! I'm not the biggest fan of basketball honestly."

He shakes his head. I'm very aware of him holding my hand and the butterflies in my stomach have returned, more violent than ever.

"Ok, you're coming with me to his game. It's this Sunday at 6 pm. I'll pick you up."

Oh yes!!! This is great! I can already see it in my mind. He'll pick me up from the orphanage... hold on...

"Wait, no! I'll meet you at your house if thats ok? You can text me your address."

"Yeah sure. My mu-I mean my parents won't be home so I'll meet you out the front at 5:45?"

"Yep, that sounds good! Wait, you can drive?"

"I'm 17. I got my P plates a couple months ago." Hm, the same as Isla's age. She's only a few months older than me.

He's still holding my hand, but I really need to go now. Curfew at Radiance Orphanage is 8:30 on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays and at 8 pm every other day. It's now 8:24.

"Ok, so I'll meet you at your house, which you'll text me the address to, at 5:45 on Sunday."

"Yeah. Just dress casual if you were wondering."

I was wondering. I'm so glad he told me, I could have turned up in anything from a nice dress to pyjamas. Depends on what my mood is really.

"Ok thanks, but I really have to go now."

"Oh, ok."

Is it my imagination, or does he sound a bit disappointed? It really doesn't matter cause I need to get home. I start walking away when he calls out to me,

"Wait! Hayley, do you want me to give you a lift?"

Believe me, I really, really want to say yes, but then he would find out about the orphanage. I check my watch. 8:29. I need a lift or I'm going to be late! Sighing inwardly, I stop and walk back to him.

"A ride would be great thanks."


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