Part 10

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I'm walking with Isla to class when I see Noah. He's looking straight at me and when I smile at he he smiles back before returning to his conversation with Marco and the rest of his team. I gaze after him for a second before turning back to Isla who, of course, is grinning at me like a halloween pumpkin. My face heats up and I drag her along to my locker. Her locker is right next to mine, so we both open them to get a bit of privacy.

"Oh my gosh Hayley! You like Noah!"

Way to state the obvious Isla. I think they heard you in China!

"Wha-what? No I don't!"

"Oh, shut up. You looked him him and he looked at you, so you smiled and he smiled back and then you blush and he keeps smiling and oh my god it's just too cute! My baby girl has her first crush!"

She's still smiling. I wish she wasn't so loud sometimes. But she does have a point. I just don't have to admit it yet.

"Isla, I don't have a crush on him! You know me-"

"Did he ask you out?"

I gape at her, silently cursing her in my head. I feel my self flushing red again but I have to tell her the truth. She can tell when I'm lying.


"Ah, YES! Aww you two will make such a cute couple and I want to plan the wedding ok?"

"Calm down girl. It's just one date, anything could happen. Maybe he's actually horrible and nothing will happen."

"Or, maybe you two will fall in love and get married and I'll be your bridesmaid and then you'll have two kids and they will ALL be adorable! Ahh, I can see it now."

I'm slightly worried about her. But right now I'm more worried about me.

"Isla! Nothing. Is. Going. To. Happen. You're just making something out of nothing."

She's getting a dangerous look in her eye. I know that look. I slowly inch away, forgetting I'm trapped between my locker and her.

"Nothing? Nothing? I would never say that again, missy, if you want me to continue to be your friend. You never like any guys, so let me have this one. Or else."

She lunges towards me and I lurch backwards, whacking my head on the locker. I grimace in pain and look at Isla, both of us silent for a second. The we burst out laughing and step back into the hall, closing both our lockers behind us. The first bell rings and I glance at her.

"What do we have now?"

"History. I hate this class! And maths, since it's the only 2 things we don't have together!"

She pouts and folds her arms across her chest.

"Don't worry, you know who is in your class? Noah. You can bug him about our date if you want."

Isla's eyes light up straight away and I soundlessly apologise to Noah for giving him an hour and twenty minutes of questions about everything from her. Isla goes to run off but turns back and whispers to me.

"Use protection children..."

I slap her arm and she runs off laughing. This is why I haven't told her about the kiss yet! I will... eventually. After the date. I turn around and walk to my class past the few students still in the halls.


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