Part 5

11 2 1

The ride back was silent and awkward, to say the least. Noah did make a few attempts at small talk, but I was too caught up in my mind about what he was going to think when he found out where I lived. Thank goodness I was able to convince him to drop me off at a house a few blocks down. I pretended to knock on the door and waved to him, hoping he would drive off immediately.

Well, he drove off about 30 seconds later and I sprinted the last 2 blocks and rushed in the door to run straight into Matron. That's why right now, instead of sleeping, I'm washing every single bowl, plate and piece of cutlery in the orphanage. At 11 o'clock at night. Luckily I'm nearly done, so soon I'll get to go and rest my tired, pruney hands.

I was 3 minutes late for curfew, but Matron takes her job very seriously. Although, my punishment is harsh, even for her. I think it was because I woke up some of the small ones. It takes a while to put them down and get them settled, so if they wake up it can take hours to get them back to sleep. No wonder Matron was upset.

I rinse off the last plate and stack it on the already colossal pile of dishes before heading upstairs for a shower. Once I've washed off, I walk out and collapse onto my bed. I sit up and look around my small room, it's grey peeling walls bare with the exception of a few colourful drawings from the little kids here. I debate texting Isla, but she's probably fast asleep by now. I lay back and slowly feel myself drifting off.


2 Arix Drive, Ravenwood North. I check my phone again while walking down the main road, looking for Noah's house. It's only 5:35 so I still have 10 minutes to spare. I spot a car in a driveway that looks like his and check the number. It's his. I slowly approach the house, wondering what I'll say if his parents open the door. Then I mentally face-palm myself, remembering his words from Friday. "My parents won't be home so I'll meet you out the front at 5:45?" I approach the door cautiously and raise my fist to knock on the door when it open by itself. I jump back, startled before realising it was Noah who opened it. I grin at him and he smiles back.

"You can come inside, I'll be ready in a few."

He leads me into his house. It's pretty nice, a one story block with a small backyard. I sit down on a cream coloured plush lounge chair and watch as Noah walks down a hall, I guess to his room? I look around and see that the walls are covered in photos of Noah, and a dark haired lady who must be his mother but none of his dad.

"Weird," I murmur.

But before I could think any further, Noah walk out. Shirtless. I feel my jaw drop and I try not to drool. He is so ripped! Noah has a 6 pack and I see when he turns around that his back muscles are huge. He awkwardly comes closer and I am struggling to breathe, but at the same time trying not to make it obvious. He mumbles something that I can't quite make out.

"Uh, sorry, what?" I'm still trying to breathe, so I'm pretty proud that I can form a normal sentence.

"I couldn't find a shirt."

He says louder this time, his face bright red. I start to laugh, and he goes almost purple.

"Noah, I don't really know how to tell you this but you're, um, holding a shirt..."

His eyes go wide and he brings his hand, still holding the shirt up so he can see it. With that he quickly slips it over his head and gives me a sheepish grin. I'm trying so hard to stop laughing but the look on his face... I start cracking up again and this time he joins in. He sinks down onto the couch next to me and soon we're buckled over, holding our stomachs from laughing so much.

"Ok, we need to leave now," says Noah, calming down a bit.

"Yeah, do we have to go? I don't really get basketball."

I don't want to leave here. He looks at me before standing up and throwing me over his shoulder!

"Noah!!! What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm carrying you to my car!"

I start hitting his back, but it's not doing anything so I give up and let him carry me to his car. We reach a door and Noah goes to walk through, whacking my head on the doorframe in the process.

"Ouch! Noah!"

"Sorry!" he apologises before swinging me around into bridal style. He's now holding me in his arms and I have one hand clasped around his neck and the other holding my head.

"Awww, you poor baby. Do you want me to kiss it better for you?" he smirks.

"Yes please." Well, he asked!

Noah's face slowly creases into a smile and he leans down and presses his lips to the side of my head. It only lasts a second, but it's enough to take my breath away. I stare up at him for a few seconds, wide eyed, before Noah clears his throat and releases my legs so I can stand.

"Lets go."


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