Part 7

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I cover my mouth with my hand as I yawn. It feels like I've been sitting here forever! I think I'd enjoy this a lot more if I actually knew what's going on. I look around at all the people and wonder how they manage to stay for the entire game without getting bored. Luckily there's only a minute left on the clock.

The Panthers are up by 5 points but the other team (I don't know what they're called. I probably should ask) have picked up their game in the last few minutes according to Noah. I glance at the clock again. Fifteen seconds left. When it reaches ten the crowd starts counting down and then the siren goes. Finally!!! Just about everyone in the crowd has jumped out of their seats and are yelling extremely loud. Everyone starts to go down the stairs and Noah takes my hand, pulling me out into the flood of people.

In the midst of all the cheering and the entire crowd swarming the team Noah and I are separated. I twist around, craning my neck to try and see over the top of all these people. I'm even nearly tall enough. Then a hand grabs my arm and pulls me closer. Noah leans down and yells in my ear to be heard over the noise.

"Lets go outside."

He takes my hand and leads me down the endless corridors until we reach the carpark. He spins on his heels to face me.

"Do you want to go to dinner sometime?" He asks, his cheeks turning slightly red. I stare at him with my mouth open and then break into a huge grin.

"Like a date?"

"Uhh ye-yeah. Only if you want to though." He stammer slightly and his eyes stare intently at the ground, determine to avoid mine. I reach up and lift his chin until his eyes see mine. Then I gather all my courage and peck him on the cheek before replying.

"Sure! I would love to."

Noah sighs in relief, cheeks still red from asking and I giggle. He glares at me, but his eyes are dancing. He starts laughing and takes my hand and spins me around. I oblige and turn, but me being my clumsy self I trip and fall. I throw my hands in front of my face, bracing for impact with the gravel but I stop, inches away from a painful landing. Noah's hands are around my ribs and he pulls me back up. I expect him to let go straight away but instead he turns me in his arms and rests his head on top of mine.

My stomach is filled with butterflies and my heart is pounding in my chest. He's so close I can smell him. He smells like sandalwood and soap. It's making me light-headed how close he is. I can feel his arms encircling my waist and my breath hitches in my throat as he leans in. I close my eyes and lean in to meet him. Our lips connect and fireworks explode inside my chest. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I never want this moment to end! Sadly, it has to, and he pulls away and looks into my eyes and smiles. I smile back and we stay there for a moment, before I remove my arms from his neck and Noah pulls one arm from my waist. We move towards his car and he stops and opens the door for me.

"After you, my lady,"

He smiles playfully at me and I grin back, starting to sliding into the passenger seat of the car.

"Such a gentleman, Noah."


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