Part 14

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Noah pulls up outside the orphanage and turns to look at me.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

I smile and lean over to kiss his cheek but he turns at the last second and our lips meet. He pulls me closer for a second before releasing me. Our eyes meet before we both blush and look away like little kids. I get out the car quickly to save myself, and Noah, from any further embarrassment.

"Goodnight Noah," I say with a smile. He grins back at me and I turn to walk up the front steps. I've only gone a few metres when I here a car door opening and footsteps behind me. I turn around, surprised, and come face to face with Noah.

"Is something wrong?" Did I do something? Does he not like me? Are we moving too fast for him? I've never had a boyfriend before so I have no idea what I'm meant to do. I also tend to overthink things a lot.

"No! Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to ask you something..." He trails off while I wait. After ten or so seconds have past and he still hasn't said anything I can't wait any longer.

"You wanted to ask me something...?" I prompt, impatient to hear what he has to say.

"I don't really know how to ask you this."

"Just say it!" I know, I'm being a bit harsh, but I'm not a very patient person.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He blurts out before looking at the floor and blushing.

I just stand there gaping at him. Smooth, Hayley. He glances back at me and sees I'm not saying anything.

"I'm sorry, Hayley. I know it's only been a few days, but I really feel like we've connected, you know? I-I'm sorry for rushing you. You think we're moving too fast, don't you? That's what Marco told me and I didn't listen to him because, well, it's Marco and he-"

"Noah!" I cut his rambling off. "I'm not saying no."

"I know, and that's fine, like I... Wait, what did you say?" I laugh at the look on his face and reach up to kiss him gently.

"I said I'm not saying no. I'll be your girlfriend, Noah."

The biggest smile appears on his face and he grabs me in a hug before listing me up and spinning me around. He sets me down carefully and steps back.

"See you tomorrow, Hayley," he says, still smiling down at me. I laugh again before wrapping my hands around his neck and bringing him down into a kiss. His arms slide around my waist and I lean into the kiss, butterflies attacking the inside of my stomach. I can feel him smiling and I never want this moment to end.

Suddenly a shriek cuts into the silence. Noah and I quickly pull apart and I turn to see Matron gawking at us, a look of shock clearly written on her face.

"Hayley, what, EXACTLY, are you doing?"

Well, I think it was pretty obvious what we're doing, but I don't need to piss her off even more.


And now I'm making it even worse. Go me.

"Inside, young lady. Now. And as for you," She rounds on Noah. "If I ever, ever catch you-"

"Matron, stop it! We weren't really doing anything." I yell. I can live with it if she yells at me but she is not going to talk to my boyfriend that way.

"This is Noah." Matron raises an eyebrow, waiting for me to go on. I swallow. "My boyfriend."

She doesn't react immediately, so I whisper to Noah, "Run to your car and get away while you can. I'll see you tomorrow."

He nods at me and makes a break for it while Matron is still frozen. I watch him leave and then feel a hand on my shoulder. I flinch, waiting for her to yell at me but it never comes. Matron leads me inside and tells me to go to my room, that she'll be up in a minute. I run up the stairs and feel my phone buzz in my pocket. Once I reach my room I pull it out and see it's a text from Noah.

'Are you ok?'

I grin to myself before quickly typing a reply. Then I text Isla and tell her that I really need to talk to her tomorrow and to meet me by the gates. I put my phone down and wait for Matron. After waiting for half an hour, my eyes begin to get heavier. I fight to keep them open, but the excitement from the day has exhausted me. I stop fighting and close my eyes, welcoming the sleep.


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