my brother and i 21 (anime story)

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"class 1-A, Claire and mellanie!!!!" merillyn said. we both sighed. and went to the stage. Claire went to the piano. "I will be singing summertime record. Claire will be my accompaniment." "start." Mr. Anderson said. I took a deep breath, then, Claire began the intro.


"the summer breeze comes knocking again. I opened up just to let in the sun. and all I hear are this feeling tweeting Notes that carry away. a half a book I placed in the side "hey little guy where on earth are you from?" with a smile and with a blind fold I know it's already three afternoon.

the Sun's been nice the past few days, I sit around just to watch all the clouds. a lazy hazy blue sky time. this sighing air that's closing my eyes. a memory that just won't cone. it's getting harder everyday  cuz years and minutes all fly by. and just like that, we're old and grown."

since she began singing, the people, or students fell in love with her voice. Josh was sitting at the very back, watching her.

"parting through waves in this tall field of grass. glaring a hole through hazy sun. shouting to me turning turning to your side. "don't wanna be alone? then come and don't!"

born in the noise that had knocked at my door. fold in my mind and slowly flying out of sight. "was it all a dream in the haze?"

she kept on singing and singing to her hearts content and immediately showed her expressions.

"a secret place for me and you. where everyday was fun and new. a simple time played in our heads. we'll tell this story again. a jet stream shoots across the sky. "it's just So bright." we stare wide eyed. "what did your face look like back then?" I don't know why but I can't see it at all."

by the end of the song, people clapped and some were touched by the song. we bowed and went down the stage. "nice voice." josh said walking to us. "so what do you say?" he said. before I could say an answer, I looked at big brother and then said "I'm sorry..... I can't. I still got things to do. and for sure, my brother would really try to kill you."

I said. he looked at me and sighed. "I'll try to help you. get your brother back to his senses." I choked. "what?" "I saw what happened. and you were right. Melinda just want to be popular. she was the one who broke up with me." now that made sense! no wonder it felt like she was acting, because she was!


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