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They all met up that Monday morning, most of the girls just dragging themselves and trying not to fall asleep from how tired they were.

Daehwi ran up to Jangmi and gave her a hug, and her being too tired to move away let him.

The rest of the girls "awwed" and Jangmi just dismissed them with a wave of her hand.

Daehwi let go of her and smiled at her.

"How are youuuu Mrs. Lee?"

Jangmi rose her eyebrows at 'Mrs.Lee'.

"Last time I checked my last name wasn't Lee it was Tuan."

Daehwi smiled and poked her nose.

"It's Lee because when we grow older and you fall in love with me, you'll marry me and have my last name."

Jooae clapped, laughing at Jangmi's reaction.

"Okay okay thanks for that."

Minah and Hyojung were just watching the exchanges between Jangmi and Daehwi.

"Why doesn't she just tell him she likes him? I mean she's liked him forever." Hyojung whispered to Minah.

"Maybe she's playing hard to get, or maybe she's seeing how far he'll go to be with her." Minah whispered back, before Donghan cleared his throat and smiled at everyone.

"Okay. We can't tell Woojin that we've planned something for his birthday alright?" He said, looking at Samuel.

Samuel blinked and looked at Donghan innocently.

"What? I don't do anything. I never have and I never will."

Daehwi and Jaehwan both laughed at Samuel's comment, trying to tell Samuel when he has done exactly that but it ended up in fits of giggles.

"Don't worry Samuel. I'm pretty sure you can't be that bad at keeping surprises." Minah said while touching his shoulder lightly.

He smiled at her and gave her a big hug, pretending to sob and say that they were being mean.

Minah being oblivious to the entire thing, let him stay that way and just tried to sooth him, not knowing  that it was a move on her .

Daehwi looked at his friend who was clearly enjoying himself and stopped laughing.

He turned to Jangmi and with his arms wide open he walked to her.

She swatted his arm away lightly and shook her head.

"nuh uh bud. Keep dreaming."

He pouted before he got closer to her with his arms still out trying to give her a hug.

She screamed quietly in fake terror and ran away, Daehwi chasing her.

She thought that she had gotten away from him before she stopped and leaned on a tree.

He found her and slowly walked up to her and covered her eyes.

"Oh, it's dark now. I wonder who's hands that could be." Jangmi said, sarcasm laced in her voice.

Daehwi moved his hands and she turned to him, giving him a small smile and a small laugh.

"You just won't give up will you Daehwi?"

he shook his head and gave her a lopsided grin.

"Nope. I plan to make you mine."

MESSAGES.|LEE DAEHWI Where stories live. Discover now