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NEW TWEET FROM @lovelyjang

@lovelyjang this is honestly me @ that one person who won't go away in my life

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@lovelyjang this is honestly me @ that one person who won't go away in my life

15 likes, 7 comments

@jjgk; i miss u come over again

@lovelyjang; @jjgk i promise i'll come over soon

@chocotate; ew guys get a room PLEASE

@lovelyjang; @chocotate we could all say the same thing with you and guanlin

@guanrapper; @chocotate @lovelyjang jangmi leave my girl alone

@lovelyjang; AND I OOP-


It was the day after Donghan and Jaehwan had cornered and then let Jangmi leave. She had been pulling away from everyone, very noticeably confused and everything. Everyone in her classes tried to talk to her, but she couldn't open up to anyone.

The bell had rung for lunch, and before any of the girls could go and ask her what's wrong, she ran out of the classroom and into one of the practice rooms. The lights were out in the room, and she heard voices coming closer so she dived behind the piano. The voices got louder and then seemed to stop.

She held her breath and was so focused on not making any noise, that she didn't notice someone came into the room and sat down in front of the piano.

The door closed and Jangmi peeked over the piano, making eye contact with the person sitting in front of the piano.



(: update before the other releases

cliff hanger lmaoooooo

also im big sad while writing this so it might show in the next few chapters, idrk anyways im back lmaooo

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