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Lee Daehwi was dead.

Well not actually dead, but Jangmi had imagined he was.

She looked at the clock, not really wanting for her Precalculus class to end.

She rolled her eyes at her teacher who was teaching them things they had learned last year, and she checked her phone, seeing a text from Jooae and one from Daehwi.

She quickly opened the one from Jooae responding with a few emojis. She was curious as to what Daehwi sent her, but she decided to ignore it.

Class was almost over, and Jangmi wasn't excited about helping Min out. She sighed and looked at the clock, and decided she might just ditch her friend.

Jooae was a few seats distance from Jangmi and she could see her friend hesitating.

Jooae threw a pencil at her, barely missing Yugyeom who was sitting between them.

Jangmi scowled yet ignored her friend, until she did it two more times.

Jooae smiled in victory, happy that she was able to make Jangmi show another emotion besides bored.

The bell soon rang and Jangmi was the first person out, making sure Jooae didn't notice her leaving.

She did a small victory dance in her head until she got to the school entrance and saw Jaehwan and Donghan standing there, waiting for her.

She walked up to them and gave them a smile.
"Can you guys let me just go home?"

Donghan nodded his head and Jaehwan just looked away as if telling her to leave now.

"Thank you. I promise I'll buy you guys food."

She walked out the doors, and started running home, leaving the two boys behind and not looking back.

MESSAGES.|LEE DAEHWI Where stories live. Discover now