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Hyojung looked around the room and it was quiet to say the least.

Everyone was sitting on the ground, not really doing much, as you could basically feel the awkwardness in the air.

"So, how was your first year abroad guys?" Seongwoo said trying to start a conversation.

"I enjoyed Morocco. The scenery was absolutely beautiful and the people there were nice. The food there was good, but I missed a good Korean meal." Daehwi said looking at the mirror wall  that was on the other side of the room.

"I enjoyed Guatemala. The girls there were hot. There was this one girl that really caught my attention but I knew that she wasn't my type as I normally go for the cute school girl type of girl but I guess my tastes have changed." Samuel said looking at Min briefly while she was cuddled next to Guanlin who was wearing a hoodie that she loved.

"That's cool Samuel. Did you make any new friends while-" Daniel got cut off.

" Yeah I can see your taste changed from actually having to work to get the girl, to going towards a easy girl who probably puts out on the first date." Min said, making Jooae and Jangmi laugh.

Jaehwan looked at the group that was divided and clapped his hands.

"Okay gather around children because I'm about to tell you the story of my trip and wow a year had a lot of memories."

Jaehwan started talking getting everyone's attention except for four of them.

Daehwi was looking at Jangmi who was texting someone on her phone, giving a slight smile to her phone. She looked at her phone and then whispered into Daniel's ear, before getting up and waving to everyone minus Daehwi. She left the room and Daehwi got a sudden urge to go after her, even though he knew she didn't want to see him.

He sprinted out of the door and saw her figure outside a few doors down, standing there with her eyes closed, and earbuds in.

He walked up to her and lightly tapped her on the shoulder, and when she saw it was him, she frowned slightly.

"Oh it's you."

He was slightly surprised with how she addressed him, but didn't think too much of it

"Uh so how are you now and days? You've gotten prettier not that I thought you could because you were already beautiful but I mean-"

"I'm fine. I try not to spend my time moping around for people leaving and then I'm left with broken promises. I would advise you not to try to talk to me anymore and if you think that you coming back will make me feel what I once felt for you then-" She got closer to his ear and "you're sure as hell wrong."

And with that she left him alone before walking away, not bothering to look at him.

Samuel was still in the room, not bothering to listen to Jaehwan tell his story for the fifth time since he had met up with him in Washington D.C.

He looked over to Min and Guanlin who were talking about something and she ended up pecking Guanlin's cheek.

He quickly got up and picked Min up from the ground and dragged her outside and into one of the empty rooms.

Min gave him a confused look, and Samuel just stared at her, his hand still intertwined with hers.

"What is wrong with you?" Min asked worried about the boy.

He scoffed a little and pulled her closer to him and looked her straight into her eyes.

"Do you know how much I missed you? Two years and yet even while I tried so hard, my mind came back to you, here back home, hoping that you were waiting for me."

Her eyes widened a little, but he continued.

"Do you know how much I wondered about you and how you were and hoping just maybe that you were waiting for me too?"

She moved away from him and gave him an unreadable look.

"If you thought I would be some princess waiting for her prince charming, then, I'm not your princess, nor do I mind if you go back to wherever you went."

With that, she walked out, and went back into the room, where Hyojung and Guanlin asked her is she was alright and she just nodded.


ew im writing this on my laptop so the format looks weird to me


uh yeah this is the longest chapter in the book

I think that this book will go to 55-60 chapters? And when I complete this book then I will release book 3 in the social media series.

Right now the social media series is as follows;



ye that's all

also its almost 3 am where I am so maybe that's why this might have a lot of spelling errors lmao okay bye

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