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As soon as Guanlin said that, everyone started freaking out about what they should do for the boys return, minus Jangmi.

She was just standing there watching all of the boys and the rest of the girls talk about the guys.

They all hushed when Somi came into room, her dragging someone along.

Jung Jung came into the room with her and she was smiling, her hand linked with his and his other arm around her waist.

"Guess who's back?" He said while Somi laughed and hugged him not having to be missing her boyfriend of 2 years.

"Who knew that out of everyone those two were the ones who were going to be together the longest?" Hyojung said looking at everyone while they nodded.

"Where are the others?" Jooae asked while checking the time on her phone.

"They'll be here any second now. I'm surprised on how different you all look. It's a shame that all of us lost contact throughout the years." Jung Jung said while Jangmi mumbled something.

"Anyways, how have you all been?"

"Pretty busy going out all the time with these crazy kids. It has been nice to start off this next year without any drama or anything. Let's hope it lasts." Min said while playing with Guanlin's rings on his hand.

"Even if there was drama, you wouldn't even notice it for long. You and Guanlin are too wrapped up in each other's self being sometimes I wonder why you guys haven't became a thing." Jangmi said while stealing Daniel's hat.

"Oh trust me they basically are dating once I walked into Min and Guanlin having a 'discussion' which involved his lips being on hers and it was so gross and-" Jooae got cut off by 2 people walking into the room.

"Hey guys. What's up?" Samuel said while looking around the room and then locking his eyes on Min and Guanlin.

The air became tense and Daehwi who was next to Samuel just looked at Jangmi who ignored his presence.

"What's up man? How was studying abroad? Did you miss us?" Guanlin said placing his head on Min's making the girl blush a little.

"It was fine. I'm guessing it didn't take many people to get over me leaving though." Samuel said, his tone being a little harsh, making Min's head pop up.

Daehwi put his hand on Samuel's shoulder and gave him a look.

"So I guess we all as a group have a lot of catching up to do." Daehwi said trying to make the uncomfortable awkward air lighter.

"Not really. Some of us don't care how your trip was." Jangmi said continuing to not make eye contact with Daehwi.

Before Daehwi could say anything, Jaehwan's manical laugh was heard behind the door, and Donghan's voice was heard.

They walked in and saw everyone standing there awkwardly, not having a idea of what was going on.

" So. Let's all talk and catch up." Daehwi said while looking at Jangmi.

They all nodded and everyone sat down on the floor, the air being tense and quiet.
I promise I'll finish this cliffhanger type of chapter tomorrow or soon I guess. Also thanks for 11k like I was just at 10k what even

also uh this book might only go to 50-70 so yeah idk tbh and then I'll be focusing on my Jihoon book and after that idk who so uh

comment here which character I should do after Jihoon


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