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so jangmi


I was wondering

If it's not to much to ask,

let me stop you right there

if ur asking me out at least like text it to me and then video call me

how did you-

I mean yeah okay

would you like to go out with me? like on a date?

darewhipizza; before you answer that let me video call you first.
Jangmi quickly sent a text to the girls, knowing they would all be showing up soon.

She quickly changed her shirt, and pulled her hair back before she saw her computer.



She quickly answered, her on her bed and Daehwi's face popped up.

"Hello Lee Daehwi."

"Hi beautiful. How are you?" Daehwi asked, and Jangmi covered her face, blushing.

"I'm great. So, is there a reason why you called?"

Daehwi smiled at her, a light dust of red on his cheeks before he cleared his throat.

"I, Lee Daehwi, was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me on Saturday?"

Jangmi had a straight face on, no emotion.

Daehwi just looked at her waiting for her response.


Daehwi's face quickly changed to surprise and a little sadness, before Jangmi shook her head.

"I didn't mean no to the date idiot. I meant no to Saturday. I'm only free on Sunday. Does that work?"

Daehwi's face changed quickly and he broke out into a huge smile and blew an air kiss to Jangmi. She giggled and caught the air kiss, before waving goodbye as his mom called for him.

He smiled and whispered goodbye and ended the video chat.

She laid down on her bed, sighing in happiness and the quiet surrounding her for a second before she squealed out in happiness.

She quickly realized she needed to text the group, and she did so, not being able to contain her smile.
The girls all had shown up, surprised at how Jangmi had redecorated her room.

~~~The girls all had shown up, surprised at how Jangmi had redecorated her room

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"Very tumblr." Hyojung said, sitting on her bed.

"Thanks." Jangmi said smiling a little.

"Okay. So why were called here?" Jooae asked, looking out the window.

"Well... Daehwi asked me out." Jangmi said while covering her face.

There was silence all around before Minah started clapping and squealing.

"Yay! Go jangmi! I knew you two would get together."

Jangmi smiled at Minah before the rest  of the girls were asking questions.

darewhipizza; im so excited for our date!

yoitssamuel; just hope once she finds out where you're taking her that she'll like it.

darewhipizza;trust me she will.

whOoPs the next chapter is going to be more interesting thank

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