Dare #4

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This dare is from Amazinggirl1210.
Mal has to be evil for a week.

Evie looked at her phone as she got out of bed. Oh no. Wait. Mal actually might like this. Or be mad at it because it makes her look bad in the eyes of the kingdom. And Ben. She started to giggle. Evie got up from her bed and woke Mal up.
"What do ya want?" Asked a sleepy Mal.
"So... something on my Auragram page came up."
"Hmm" Mal hummed in response
"You have to be evil for a week."
"Evie! This is getting out of hand!"
"We both know you want to."
"Fine. But can you at least tell Ben it's a dare. I don't want him to hate me."
"No. Now go" Evie told her. Mal huffed in response and left to change to the clothes she wore when she arrived at Auradon.
For the next week Mal stole, played pranks, cheated, casted some wickedly cruel spells, and even managed to put butter all over the hallway floor. That was a slippery mess. Her week was up, and she was going to miss being evil. Evie of course posted all of the things she did on her Auragram page.
Ben later came to Mal's dorm room because she was causing too much trouble for the school.
"Mal. You need to stop being evil."
"I'm not evil"
"Then what was all of that last week."
"Seriously Ben. Evie, plus, Auragram, plus, dares, equals me having to be evil for a week. Did you check her page at all?"
"No, I don't really like gossiping things"
"Well you got your answer" Mal said as she shut the door in Ben's face. Oh. They were back together, but some things never change.

Thank you! Please comment your truth/dares. Bye! (How dare you Ben, not like to gossip.) Sorry.

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