Dare #25

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Dare from Jordyn_d_122. Harry and Mal pretend to date for a month. Thanks for the dare.

"Mal! Harry!" Evie shouted to the courtyard.
"What!" Mal grumbled.
"You two have a dare to pretend to date for a whole month!"
"I can't do that to Jay!" Harry and Mal screamed at the same time. (Harry with an accent)
"Stop that."
"No you stop."
"That's creepy!"
"Ah!" They ran away from each other.
"At least I can have free food." Evie said.

Week one

Mal and Harry held hands. Harry always had Mal in an embrace. Jay saw them and well.... he wasn't happy.... (hence the photo at the top)

Week two

Harry got Mal a charm bracelet. Which she now wore all the time.

Week three

Mal put a dress on so she could meet up with Harry.

Week four (last)

Harry walked Mal to all her classes. He also would throw her over his shoulder to give her a ride to class.

The dare was finally over and Mal ran up to Jay. "I'm sorry it was dare!"
Jay looked at Mal. "Do you have the charm bracelet?"
"Nope, not on me. In the dorm. Evie stole it to keep for herself. It was pretty though."
Jay chuckled. "Hinting at what you want me to buy you Mal?"
"Yup." Mal walked away.
Harry came up to Jay.
"Ey! Mal tell yous what 'appened?"
"We still mates?"
"Yeah. We're still mates."

I hoped you liked it. I didn't do every individual day because I ran out of ideas... :) hoped you still liked it! :)

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