Dare #11

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This dare is from @jemmalover1234
The dare is for Carlos to tell Jane how he really feels in front of the whole school.

"What now Mal?" Carlos looked up from his laptop in his dorm.
"Evie sent me here."
"You have... drum roll please"
"No." Carlos said
"Ugh! Fine. You have a dare to tell Jane how you really feel in front of the whole school." Mal smirked
"Because I said so. Now shoo."
"It's my room." Carlos aurgued
"Too bad."

*Time Skip to end of the day*

Carlos got up on the stage.
"Can I have your attention please! " everyone gathered around.
"Jane, you're a great friend. You weren't so kind to Mal after family day, but after a while you became nicer. That's all."
The crowed muttered things like "Well okay then" and "That's all?"

Adios peeps!

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