Dare #37

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Dare from StarDusk122. Ben has to kiss Mal in front of the entire kingdom. Takes place later in the day from the last dare.

"Oh! Ben!" Evie called out to the king who was eating at the tables.
"Whatdoyouwant?" He asked with a mouth full of food.

"One. Ew! Two. Dare."
Ben shook his head from left to right.
"No. No more dares."
Evie gave him a pout and puppy eyes.
He struggled. "F-fine. What's the dare?"
Evie smiled. "You have to kiss Mal... again... in front of the ENTIRE KINGDOM this time!"
"Does everyone hate me?!"
"Yes." Then she left.


Later that evening during the live broadcasted news

"I have something to say!" Ben yelled as he grabbed the microphone from Snow White's hand.
"Mal can you come up here please?"

Mal shook her head, no. Evie pushed her on stage.
Ben kissed Mal then she pushed him off and walked out mad.

Jay ran up to the stage before anyone could stop him.
Ben's eyes widened. "Jay, hey Jay, that... that was a dare. Hear that eveyone. It was a dare."

Jay growled. "You have a lot of 'dares' thay involve kissing Mal."
Ben chuckled nervously. "Evie?"
Evie laughed. "Leave me out of this." Then she walked away.
Now, let's just say that words were said from Jay to Ben and a few punches were thrown.

It took five security gaurds, three tasers, and a certain Magic Wand to get Jay to stop beating up Ben.

Ben was sent to the hospital and Jay was to be put on trial. What a great day.

Hope ya'll liked it! 😊

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