Dare #9

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This dare is from IshbelleNadela. Jay has to be gone for 2 weeks.

Jay walked into the Mal and Evie's dorm room. Geez! That girl needs to learn to keep her phone with her. Jay grabbed Evie's phone when it started to vibrate.
"Oh no! It's alive!" He dropped the phone then picked it up again to see a request on Evie's Auragram page. Hey look! That my name!
Jay read the request. I dare Jay to be gone for 2 weeks
"Well this ought to be intresting." He deleted the comment and went to hide in the woods... after he brought some essential things with him.
________________Day 1________________

At the lunch table Carlos and Evie were talking. Mal came up to them and slammed her tray on the table.
"Where on the Isle of the Lost is Jay!"
Carlos looked at her.
"You know Jay, always pulling pranks."
"He was supposed to help me with- oh forget it." Mal sat at the table.

________________Day 2_________________
"Guys!" Carlos yelled after school. "Have ya'll seen Jay? He wasn't in his dorm." Evie shook her head. Mal simply told him that Jay was playing his games again.

________________Day 3_________________

"Mal, Carlos." Evie said after school. "I'm starting to get worried about Jay. He's nowhere."
Carlos fidgeted with his dog tail. And wisphered 'Me too'.
Mal snorted.  "Jay will turn up in a couple days or so. The guy has tough skin."

_________________Day 4________________

Mal walked into Fairy Godmother's office. She slammed her hands down on her desk as the poor Headmistress was startled by Mal's presence.
"File Jay as a missing student report, NOW!"
"Excuse me! I will not be talked to in such disrespectful manner!"
"My apologies, Miss. Can you please file a missing report on my friend Jay?" Mal asked sarcastically.
"Of course!" Fairy Godmother seemed to not notice the sarcasm.

_________________Day 5________________

Evie sat on her bed.
"Mal, do you think we should report Jay?"
"Already did."
"What! When?"
"Yesterday, hey. Could this be part of your Auragram thing?"
Evie checked her phone. "Nope. Nothing here."
________________Day 6________________

Evie shut her locker.
"We need to fid out where Jay is."
"I couldn't agree more." Carlos replied. "The problem is Mal thinks it's all a prank."
"Mal already filed a report. Didn't she tell you?" Evie asked Carlos as they made their way to class.
"Huh. She actually has a heart."
_________________Day 7________________

"Mal" Carlos whined.
Mal kept walking toward her locker.
"Maaaaal. Maaaal. Mal. Mal. Mal. Mal. Mal. Mal. Mal. Mal. Mal. Mal. Mal. Mal. Mal. Mal. MMMMAAAAAAALLLLL!"
"What Carlos?" Mal said exhausted.
"Can we look for Jay?"
"Wait. I have an idea."
________________Day 8_________________

"So." Mal stated to Carlos and Evie. "We can just check Evie's Magic Mirrior to see where Jay is!"
"Great idea!" Evie said. She searched her bag for the magic mirror. But couldn't find it.
"Um guys? I think Jay took the mirrior."
"Rotten Apples Jay!" Mal exclaimed.

________________Day 9________________

"E. Are you sure it wasn't a dare?" Mal asked.
"There wasn't any comment!"
"What if it got deleted?"
________________Day 10________________

"Carlos!" Mal called from across the lunch room. "I need you-"
"You didn't let me finish you old Runt. I need you to tell me if anything got deleted on Evie's phone about Jay dissappearing."
"Okay? But we're all freaked out Mal! How are you so calm!"
"Cause I know Jay..."
________________Day 11________________

"I got it!" Carlos yelled as he caught up to Mal.
"A deleted comment saying a dare that Jay would have to leave for 2 weeks!"
"Good job Carlos. Now I need you-"
"Well now I need you to shut up with the 'aws' cause if you keep doing that YOU'LL be missing for two weeks!"
"Fine. Don't have to be so grumpy" Carlos muttered.
"I need you to hack into the security cameras to find out where Jay went."
________________Day 12________________

Evie and Mal found Carlos on his computer in his room.
"You found anything?" Evie asked, sitting beside Carlos.
"Not today."
________________Day 13________________

"I got it! He's in the woods!"
Mal casted a spell and trasported Carlos, Evie, and herself to the woods.
"Found him!" Evie screamed.
They ran towards Jay. Mal punched him in the gut for scaring her. Evie hugged him, and Carlos gave him a good old pat on the back.
"Did I do it?" Jay asked. "Did I complete the dare!"
Mal chuckled. "No. You had one more day. You technically didn't do the dare... chicken! I'll hold this to you the rest of your life." She smirked.

Thank you for the dare! 

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