Dare #48

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Dare from @XxDanipopsxX. Mal and Harry date for a week. (Let's just pretend Ben brought them over)

"Mal's gonna love and hate this." Evie said as she pulled Mal's chair around.

"Wha- HEY!"
"You have to date Harry Hook for a week."

_______________Day One_______________

Harry (whenever I put Harry, the suggestion on my screen says 'Potter') walked Mal to class. Jay and Ben were mad.
_________________Day 2________________

Harry gave Mal a hook.
Mal smiled and held onto it and laughed.
Jay tried to kill Harry, but luckily their friends were there to stop him.
_________________Day 3________________
Mal gave Harry a peck on the cheek.
Ben almost went into Beast mode.
_________________Day 4________________

Harry takes Mal on a picnic.

_________________Day 5________________

Mal and Harry act all lovey dovey.
_________________Day 6________________

(I ran out of ideas long ago)
They watch the stars
________________Day 7________________
Mal laughs at something Harry said.
Jay goes to try to kill Harry.
"Woah Jay! It's a dare!" Mal laughed.

Jay kept a poker face. "Fine. Harry... you won't die... this time."

They all laughed.

Meh. It's okay. Sorry if this isn't the best. I ran out of ideas.

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