Dare #27

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Dare from Jordyn_d_122. Carlos has to kiss Mal in front of Ben, Evie, and Jay. Thanks. Song above is just a good song.

Evie found Carlos after school to tell him about the dare that she got.
"Why do you always scream." Carlos said, annoyed.
"Because I can." Evie said. "You have a dare to kiss Mal in front of Jay, Ben, and me!"
"I'll be killed. Twice!" Carlos wined.
"Put me in the- Oh forget it! Four o'clock by the lockers got it." Evie said.
Carlos muttered something.
"What was that?" Evie asked.
"Nothing" He said as he walked off.

________4 o'clock by the lockers_______

Carlos walked up to Mal.
"Hey Mal, I, uh, need to talk to you."
By then Evie, Ben, and Jay were walking towards them.
"Yeah? What's up?"
"This." Carlos kisses Mal on the lips.
Mal pulled back later.
"What the Scepter Carlos!" And blushed.
Ben and Jay walked over to Carlos.
"Yeah, Carlos. What's up with that?" Jay growled.
Ben walked up to Carlos. "What he said."
Carlos slowly backed away. "See ya!" And ran for his life.

Yeah. Yeah. It's bad. I say that everytime but I full-heartedly believe that my writing is bad.

Then Descendants2lover (Formally IshbelleNadela also in this she's gonna be Dove.) wanted me to do this (I think this is how it goes):

Ben: What?
Dove: I dare you to steal Mal's phone.
Ben: WHY!
Dove: Cause I said so now go.
Ben: *steals Mal's phone*
*looks at interesting text message*
M: E I really have a crush on Ben.
E: Eeeeeeeek! Okay don't freak out just pretend you don't like him
M: Okay thanks.
E: Anytime.

Ben: *hears Jay and Carlos walking down the hallway*
Carlos: Sorry dude, I was a bit clumsy.
Jay: A BIT! Who was she looking at?
Carlos: .......
Jay: .......
Carlos: ........Ben?
Ben: *thinking* uh oh.
Jay: Does. Anyone. Else. Know. About. This.
Carlos: Just Evie and you.....
Ben: *sad*

Okay. I messed it up cause I added the ending. So right now I'll hide in my secret safe place so no one finds me. Good? Good. Sorry Descendants2lover.

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