Dare #21

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Dare from Jordyn_d_122. Harry and Jay become friends and prank Mal. I'm going to have them become friends before the dare that way it's not like a forced friendship.

Jay was walking to the Tourney field when he saw his old friend Harry. He kept walking since he had nothing to say but stopped when he felt a hand- make that a hook on his shoulder.
"Ey Mate."
"Hey Harry." Jay sighed.
"Look. We's used to be old mates. Ya see. I is trying to be goods now. Why don't ya give me one 'ast chance eh?"
"Okay Harry. Just don't try to steal my girlfriend."
Harry chuckles. "Wouldn't dream about it mate. Though I can't promise it won't happen in my dreams."
They laugh and walk like old pals.
_______________Next day_______________

"Jay! Harry?" Evie walked up to the two boys talking in the hallway.
"I thought you two hated each other."
"Old pals." Jay says.
"Whatever. Anyway you two have a dare to prank Mal."
"We're going to die!" Jay yells.
"We're gonna die!" Harry yells.
Evie smiles. "Put me in the will." And walks away.
"You know what I'm thinking?" Jay asks.
"Ya know it mate."

Mal got up in the morning. Another normal morning. She got up, found something to wear. Then when she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth she saw on the mirror in green paint it said.


                       FREE ME!
Mal's eyes widened. Mom?

Later on she went to her locker. A note fell out she grabbed it and read


Well that's not scary at all... could it be mother?

Mal went back to her dorm with a huge headache due to all this.

"Ah!" Mal screamed as she turned around and saw her mother.
She backed up. Then heard... laughing? Jay came out of the Maleficent costume and Harry came out from behind the door with a voice modifier.
"Oh. You boys are going to get it." Mal growled. Her eyes turned green as she advanced towards the two laughing boys. "Run." She says.
They run and Mal chased them. First catching up with Harry and stealing his hook. Then catching up with Jay and stole his red beanie.
"Later boys!" Mal yelled as she started to plan her revenge.

Thanks! Hoped ya'll liked it! Bye!

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