Dare #26

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Dare from @IshbelleNadela. Jay breaks up with Mal (sad face), removes the spell on Ben and they're back together (still sad face).

"Why do you always yell." Jay said to Evie. Evie walked up to Jay at the Tourney field.
"You have a dare."
"What is it?" He said.
"Break up with Mal."
"What?! No. Evie, I couldn't do that to her!"
"Not my problem!" She yelled while snapping her fingers.
"Yes. You're problem! I'm not doing it!"
"Fine!" Evie walked up to Mal in her room.
"Hey E!"
"Mal. Jay told me to tell you that he's breaking up with you. I'm sorry." Evie said sympathetically.
"But we've been through everything together. On the Isle. In Auradon. Excuse me." Mal ran out of the room.

Evie caught up with Jay and told him what she did.
"Gotta run." Evie yelled while running away.

"Yeah E?" Evie sat down on Mal's bed.
"You have a dare to take the spell off of Ben and get back together with him."
"Seriously?!" Mal screamed. "I just broke up with... I can't say it. Fine I'll go. I'll go!" Mal left.

"Hey Ben!"
"Oh hi Mal." He replied while looking up from his lunch.
"Beware Forsware reverse this curse."
"Mal? Mal! What happened."
"We're back together. That's what happened you brainless goblin!"
"That is no way to treat your husband!" Ben yelled at her.
"Excuse me! I'll treat you however I want! If you wanted someone to follow orders you shouldn't have picked a troublemaker."  Mal yelled back while grabbing Ben's lunch and throwing it at him!
"You try to tell me what to do again. I dare you."
Mal walked of with sass.

I'm sorry! It's bad I know. Hope ya'll liked it anyway. I'm just going to hide in a corner. Also I thought I published this but I guess not. Bye.

Truth or Dare With Decendants Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora