Dare #31

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Dare from @aliyah_joy. They all have to play seven minutes in heaven. Thanks for the dare.

Evie saw another notification on her phone so she called everyone to meet in the boy's dorm room. And by everyone she ment Mal, Carlos, herself, Jay, Doug, Ben, Audrey, Lonnie, Chad, and Jane.

When they met up she was bombarded with questions of why they were here.
Evie got annoyed and yelled.
Mal inturrupted her. "Yeah. Got it E."
Evie sighed. "I've gathered you here today-"
"What is this? A wedding?" Jay snickered. Carlos and him high-fived.
Evie glared at them and they stopped talking.
"You are all here because we got a dare to play 7 minutes in heaven."
Everyone tried to leave but Evie locked all the doors SUPER tight with glue and stuff.
They each put something in the bag Evie passed around.
And this is how it went.
Mal -> Doug
Carlos -> Audrey
Jane -> Jay
Evie -> Chad
Jay -> Mal
Ben -> Jane
Audrey -> Ben
Chad -> Lonnie
Lonnie -> Carlos
Doug -> Evie
(grabbed a bag and did this. It's fair.)
Most of them complained about who they got.
So they did it. Each one being weirder than the next. By the end eveyone was laughing and having a good time.
"You should have seen Doug's face!" Mal laughed, remembering the look on Doug's face when she pretended she was going to kiss him.
"Audrey looked like she was going to throw up." Carlos grumbled.
As if a reply to his comment, Audrey came back from the bathroom.
"I just did."
Jay interrupted their laughter saying he swept both Mal and Jane of their feet.
"Technically, I didn't kiss Jane. Just flirted."
Jane blushed.
"But to Mal," He started to laugh then stopped when his voice was suddenly taken.
"Don't you dare." Mal told him, apparently taking his voice.
Evie sighed. "I got both a nerd and a prince."
Everyone besides Doug and Chad laughed.
Lonnie spoke up. "Carlos was so adorable"
Carlos pouted. And everyone laughed again.
Evie started to talk.
"What happened between Jane and Ben. And Chad and Lonnie?"
"I wouldn't let him touch me." Lonnie smirked.
Ben chuckled. "We didn't do anything. We just talked."
They laughed some more.
"GUYS!" Evie yelled.
"Owww!" They all screamed back.
"Sorry... not. Anyway. Seven minutes in heaven. You have to kiss. LET'S DO IT AGAIN." She commanded.
They all groaned in frustration.

Hahaha! I really did put all their names in a bag and that's how I figured out who goes with who.

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