Hard to get

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Not a couple

Twelve enemies dead in a minute. Damian had been getting better by the hour. He had been training on the hardest level they had. It was so hard that only he and Raven could stand a chance against it. But.. did he and Raven have a chance? Together? He couldn't see a world without her. But it was hard to see a world with her and him. Together.  He tried to shake the feeling off by ignoring her, which has caused her to do something he never thought she'd do.

He had woken up one day to see Raven sitting on the edge of the tower watching the sunrise. Quietly, he walked towards her. He heard her sniffle and slight whimper come from her. "Raven, are you okay?" He asked her slightly annoyed that she was on the roof. But that feeling faded when she stood up and turned around. Her eyes puffy and red. "I'm not okay. But you wouldn't care anyway. You didn't care enough to stay." Before I could react she had already walked down the stairs.

The memory of the day just made him angrier at himself. Therefore, his swings with his sword became frantic and forced. He had such power behind the swings that if he wasn't careful, the sword would fly out of his hands. And because of his 'luck' it did just that.

Raven walked in and before she could react a sword came right her way. It missed her head my mere centimeters. She turned her head towards the sword that was now lodged in the wall. Her eyes narrowed at the familiar looking katana. She pulled the katana out of the wall then turned her attention to the sweating son of Batman. Raven looked down at the long knife. "It was so close." She whispered to herself.

"What was close?" Damian asked the half demon. She looked up while handing the sword back to him. "Nothing." She snapped back at the boy. As she started to turn away, Damian stopped her by placing his hand on her shoulder. Raven shrugged off his hand and made her way to the door. "Raven" he hesitated for a moment before saying, "Raven, I'm sorry I've been avoiding you."

Raven stopped in her tracks and looked over her shoulder. "I know." She said then walked out.

Damn, I hate it when she plays hard to get.

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