Star Gazing

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Not a couple

Raven pulled her best friend by the hand to her meditation spot near the woods. He told her that he's never really seen the stars the way he wished he could. Now she wanted to share her love for the galaxy with the son of batman. She motioned for him to follow her onto a grassy patch in the forest. The heads of the trees formed a circle, leaving a good view of the night sky. He looked around the area then furrowed his brows "Why did you bring me here?" His voice laced with an exiguous amount of confusion. "Well you said you haven't really seen the I thought we could watch them together." His cheeks flushed when she said the word together. "Why would you do this for me?" She looked at him reassuringly. "You're my best friend and I know that you need to be shown kindness..even if you are an ass." Raven winked when the last part escaped her lips. Damian rolled his emerald eyes. The mage laid down in the grass and proceeded to stare at the glowing stars. Her mind was so mesmerized with the heavenly bodies that she didn't even notice the assassin that was lying rather close to her. The two teens stared at the stars and planets for hours. Comfortable silence filled the air around the two but was broken by the words of Ravens unusually soft voice, "They're so beautiful." Damian looked at Raven with loved filled eyes. "Yeah you are.." Damian whispered quietly. "What was that?" He turned his attention back to the sky. "Nothing, I was just agreeing with you." Raven smirked and looked back up with heavy eyes. Her lids slowly fell closed over her purple orbs. Damian took a few deeps breaths and looked over to a sleeping Raven and realized that she was shivering a bit. Reluctantly, he wrapped his arms around the empath and pulled her closer. The boy held his friend closer causing her head to rest on Damian's chest. His lips curving up into a content smile while he held her. After a few minutes he kissed her hairline and closed his own eyes. Happy with what might bloom out of this friendship.
    Sorry it was short, but you can never go wrong with short and sweet.
                                ~ QuotingTheRavens

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