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Not a couple

The titans lounge area was currently filled with noise. Sounds of winning and or losing could be heard from the couch which seated Beast Boy and Beetle. The sharpening of a knife could be heard from Damian, who was currently sharpening his katana. Kori sat on a stool in the kitchen. Her computer rested on the counter as she talked to her boyfriend, Dick. Usually Raven wouldn't be as mad about the noise, but today something in her just snapped. It seemed as if anything and everything could set her off.
The noise in the lounge continued as Raven made her tea. The green teen screamed in victory as Jaime grunted in frustration. As the scream became louder, Ravens anger became rage. "Shut the hell up!" She shouted on a whim as her tea cup exploded from her emotion driven magic. Everyone went silent; Kori hung up on her boyfriend, the two gamers dropped their controllers in surprise and Damian looked up with a furrowed brow. Raven clenched her jaw and balled her hands into fists. "Raven, go to your room. Now." Kori commanded as calmly as she could in this situation. The empath stormed out of the room and walked to her own. "What was that about?" The green shapeshifter asked his leader, or anyone else in the room. Kori shrugged as Damian got up from his seat. He started to walk to the doorway but a voice stopped him, "Be careful amigo, she seems really mad." Jamie warned the young assassin. "I'll be fine bug, besides she trusts me the most." He smirked as he walked to his best friends room. Once he arrived he knocked on her door. When she didn't respond he called to her, "Raven, can I come in?" Silence. He swiftly punched in the emergency override code to open the door to a sad scene. Damian stood there, seeing his favorite empath sitting on the ground, leaning against the large window in her room. She hugged her legs, which were pressed against her chest. Her head rested against the window while she..cried. She was crying. Damian had never seen Raven so vulnerable. He wanted so badly to run to her and hold her. Damian slowly approached the mage then he sat behind her, cross legged. Raven was slowly pulled into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist then she rested her head on his chest. "Shh. There's no need to cry Raven. Just tell me what's wrong." He cooed the distressed girl. "My father.." was all Raven could choke out without bursting into an uncontrolled sob.
For the next few minutes Damian thought about what could've made Raven snap while he held her. Then an idea popped into his head. Damian picked the girl up bridal style and sat her down on her bed. "Damian..d-don't leave.." she sadly said to the boy as he walked to her door. "I'll be back in a minute Raven. Just try to calm down." He informed as he trekked to his room then back to the sorceress' room. Once he was inside again he walked to her bed and sat down next to her, holding a box. "Raven, take the crystal off." He demanded in a gentle voice. "I can't... if I do he'll escape again and-" Damian cut her off, "Raven Roth listen to me. Put the crystal in the box, it will still be protected inside. It's been reinforced five times." She reluctantly took the gem off her head and placed in regretfully in the container. Damian closed the many locks surrounding the small case and looked her in the eyes. She slightly smiled, something she hadn't done for weeks. Damian scooted closer to her and he lifted his hand so he could wipe the numerous tears off her soft face. "Thank you.." Raven said to her friend. Damian smiled a small but genuine smile. His hand unconsciously found its way to hers. Now his hand lay on top of hers, the two teens staring at each other, unaware that their faces were gradually coming together. Soon their lonely lips crashed together. They parted when air became desperately needed. "Damian?" He looked at her, worried about what would come next. "Y-yes?" He stuttered slightly. "Could you stay with me tonight?" His worried expression turned into a soft smile. "Sure."

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