Getting Lost

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         I sincerely apologize about the lack of stories. I've been off at camps and next week starts the beginning of another school year, so I'll be doing a 30 day writing challenge thing. Just to get things out, and of course if you have a suggestion feel free to tell me.

Raven and Damian sat together in the lounge with the rest of the team, enjoying some time off while playing a classic game of Truth or Dare. It was Garfields turn and Raven was about to have some fun with her power. "Gar, truth or dare." The green boy thought a minute before answering with dare. "I dare you to kiss Tara." Everyone's eyes went to the geomancer, who's face was now bright red. "This should be fun." Jon loudly whispered to Damian. Damian lightly chuckled at his best friends comment. They were all lucky that Star was out with the justice league or else someone would've gotten 'grounded'. Beast boy had no hesitation to kiss Tara, that was until he was three inches away from her face. "Just- just get this over with." She said before he leaned in closer and planted a soft kiss. When he pulled away he noticed that her expression was soft. He blushed as he figured out that she didn't hate him for doing that. "Okay, okay. It's Damian's turn." Jaime said as he smirked at the ebony haired assassin. "Truth or-" Jaime was cut off by Damian answering, "Dare" to his unfinished question. Jaime scooted closer to him and leaned in to whisper the dare into his ear. Everyone stared at them and all started to tease Damian when he blushed. "Aw, you scared?" Tara teased him. "N-no.." Damian stuttered before turning to Raven. "Wanna have a staring contest?" Raven quirked a brow but complied. The two faced each other and focused in on the others eyes. After about a minute or two, Raven blinked but noticed that Damian was still staring at her, "Dame, you won, you can stop staring at me now." He bit his lip as his face turned red, "Sorry beloved, I just get lost in your beautiful eyes."  The whole room awed at him. "So he really can be corny" Tara said. "Well yeah, that's what I dared him to do." Jaime informed. Damian looked at him, "You might have dared me to do it, but what I said about her is still true." Jon raised his arms up, "The baby bird is in love! And it's so sweet!" Jon started to fake cry, "My little sassy asshole is a big boy now." Damian backhanded Jons face lightly and mumbled, "Stop doing that." Raven wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. Damian smiled and turned her face to passionately kiss her lips, then stared back into her eyes. "I'll always get lost in your amethyst eyes."

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