Helpful Damian Scenarios

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• Accepting the fact that bones break is a lesson neither Raven nor Damian wanted to learn. Sure, the field they work in is dangerous, but both have high stamina. But all luck runs out and reality hurts like a bitch. Lex Luthor somehow wandered from Gotham to Jump. Because of his intense suit, lifting heavy objects was a simple task.
        They don't know how but the Titans ended up fighting with the baldy. Simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time was the reason for Raven's current state.
          Debris the size of a large motorcycle landed gracefully upon the mage's leg. Her bone breaking in the process, as well as her skin tearing apart.
          She relied on her healing too much and she didn't have enough energy to heal it- if she waited any longer the outcome would not have been so bright. As a result, she was sewn up at the tower; a navy blue cast securing her broken limb.
             "Shall you use crutches or a wheelchair as your leg heals?" Kori's sweet voice resonated in the med lab. "Once I get some energy back I'll just fly, but for now I'll use Damian." Her bright grin faced the said demon spawn. The boy rolled his eyes yet sighed in a content manor. Starfire nodded in agreement, closing the door behind her and leaving the birds alone.
            A warm hand held out for a cold one. Slowly, the half demon lay her hand in his. Using a bit of his strength Damian assisted Raven as she got off the bed. Her legs immediately giving out from under her. "Woah- easy." He felt her grip tighten on his biceps. An arm circled under her arms, "C'mon, just lean on me darling, I've got you."

• Crescendoing of knocking against metal woke the mage from her power nap. She turned over, casually almost falling out of bed. Her vision blurring due to getting up too fast. Reaching for the door, Raven slowly opened it. "That took a while." The smirk plastered on the assassin's face came out through his voice. "Aw, darling. You've acquired manageable bed-head."

              Rolling her eyes, she made room for Damian to walk in. Her feet led her across the room, her head looking around for the hairbrush. Spotting it in front of her vanity mirror, she picked it up and looked back to Damian. An eyebrow raising at his girlfriend's inquisition.

               Raven intensifying her puppy eyes as she looked from the brush to Damian who responded by sighing when he got the message. He got up swiftly. Taking the tool from Raven he started with combing through the underside of her locks first.

               "Thank you." Rachel praised him softly. He smiled at the picture of them in this instance. Ever since their first date, he'd always taken a liking to her hair. Running his fingers through it or smelling its scent to comfort him both satisfied him and his counterpart. They have a tradition where they'd "out-passion" the other. At the end of the month the best partner of the two gets bragging rights. Although Damian is competitive, he does enjoy making his beloved happy more than anything.

         After a minute he switched to brushing her hair normally; occasionally moving it to the side to kiss her neck or jaw. Oh, how he loved brushing her hair.

• That time of the month again. The time where even going near a female could cause a wave of unwanted emotions. Possibly death.

         Unlike most women, Raven doesn't get angry. A bit frustrated, yes; but never mad. Yet the emotion she gets most frequently during this time is sadness. Which, Damian had quite a bit of experience with.

          Raven laid curled up against the man she loved the most. "Love, would you like to talk to me?" He felt her head shaking in refusal to his query. Sighing, he played with her hair a bit. A particularly awful cramp caused the mage to groan in pain. "Shh.." Damian softly rubbed circles on her abdomen.

    Over the years the teen boy figured out that periods for a half demon was a bit different than a full human. Instead of raging mood swings, her mood gradually changed over a day. She didn't bleed as much but her cramps were much more painful.

           Small beads of tears formed in the corners of the mages lavender and dark blue eyes as a horrific cramp came rolling by. Her small hand ran for Damian's. She interwove their fingers, the bat-brat's other hand continued massaging her angry stomach.

             Using his thumb he wiped away tears that slid down his partner's face, "C'mon darling. Just try to get some rest, alright?" He silently beseeched her as she nodded.

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