Chapter 6

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After Bellamy left the room in the early hours of the morning to attend to his 'duties', Clarke decided to have a bath.

She had pretended to be asleep when Bellamy woke up, she didn't want to face him, she felt scared to see him after what happened last night. She knew that almost everyone was assuming that they had sex last night. They didn't, and Clarke wanted to know why he didn't force her to. Normally men didn't care about the consent of women, they just did what they pleased and no one really cared. Why didn't Bellamy force her? He knows very well that he has every right to do so, he knows that he could practically do anything he wanted to do with her last night. But he didn't.

Clarke just wished that it was the same tonight. She climbed into the bath, hoping that it would remove the bags from under her eyes, a result of lack of sleep.

After her bath, Clarke threw on a dress, brushed her hair and then she was out of her room.

She wanted to go and see the villages children today, she loved every single one of them and it had been a while since she spent time with them.

She kept an eye out for Bellamy as she walked through the courtyard, he was supposed to be teaching the young men of the village how to fight. She didn't know where the training would be taken place though.

She sighed and then made her way to the small hut where the children gathered on a daily basis. It was like a small school, Clarke demanded they have at least some sort of education.

She was flooded with hugs when she walked inside, they had missed her so much. She missed them as well. She hadn't seen them for at least a week and a half, with everything going on, she just didn't have time. They were like her children, she adored every single one of them, they made her feel special, happy.

Throughout the day, some of the older children started to ask her about Bellamy and their marriage. Clarke blushed as the girls wiggled their eyebrows at her, their gazes lingered to her wrists.

"What happened?" A girl named Tris asked as she reached for Clarke's wrists.

Clarke's eyes widened at the sight of two huge bruises that circled around her wrists. It wasn't normal for her flesh to bruise as bad as that.

She excused herself from the children and went out to get some fresh air. She took a walk in the garden and before she knew it, the sun was going down.

It's like time had passed fast, too fast. To her it only seemed like mid day about half an hour ago, now it was getting dark.

Clarke rubbed her eyes with her sore hands. She swore she could've fallen asleep right there if she wasn't forcing herself to stay awake.

Clarke looked at some roses that were growing by the bushes to her right. She loved roses, but sunflowers were her favourites. She couldn't wait until her sunflowers bloomed. She'd expect that she'd spend almost everyday sitting by them as she watched the day pass by. She couldn't wait.

The insects were starting to bite her, so she decided that it was time to head inside. She walked passed the courtyard and into the building she called home. She said a quick hello to her mother as she walked through the halls. She was too tired to mingle, she just wanted to get back to her room before she fainted.

When she got there, she saw Bellamy sitting at the table, food prepared as he stared into space. Was he waiting for her?

She closed the door, not even showing that she acknowledged him, and crawled straight into bed.

Bellamy was staring at her as she tried to close her eyes with struggle. Something wasn't right, she wasn't okay.

He made his way over to their bed and found her with tear stained cheeks as she rubbed her wrists.

He felt his heart ache a fraction at the sight of her. His eyes then adjusted to the dark shadows under her eyes.

He almost wanted to get angry with her, yell at her and tell her that she needed to take care of herself better. But she was obviously hurting, so he decided to take a different approach.

He climbed into bed with her, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it onto the floor.

She was still awake, watching him intently. What he was trying to accomplish, she didn't know. She was too tired to give him what he wanted, too tired to even speak.

He laid down and the turned to face her, their faces just inches apart.

"Are you not well?" He asked in a quiet voice. "You seem sick, have you not slept well?"

Clarke didn't have the strength to reply, she just let another tear fall as she massaged her sore wrists.

"Clarke," he whispered as his eyes found her wrists. "What happened?"

Clarke wanted to laugh, did he not know? Did he not know that he hurt her last night?

She didn't say anything, she just looked at him and then closed her eyes, not wanting to listen anymore.

"Did i do this to you?" He said in a frightened tone, like he didn't believe it. She didn't answer, she didn't trust herself to not sound broken. "Clarke, did i do this to you?" He demanded this time. Clarke nodded and then wiped her eyes. Bellamy sighed as he slumped back onto his side of the bed.

He seemed to be fighting with his mind, it's like there was a silent war going on inside his head. "Clarke, i never meant to hurt you, you have to know that."

Clarke nodded. "I know," she said, her voice laced with sadness. "I know," she barely whispered.

There was a few more moments of silence before Bellamy spoke. "Are you hungry?"

Clarke shook her head. "I just want to sleep."

Bellamy studied her for a moment before nodding and then getting out of the bed. Clarke wanted to ask why he was getting dressed, but her question was answered when she saw him put on his shoes. Just before he could walk out the door, she had the courage to speak.

"Where are you going?" She said in a frightened tone that surprised both her and him.

Bellamy sighed, looking back at her tired face. "You need to sleep, Clarke. Me being in the room with you is why you couldn't sleep last night. Am i correct?"

Clarke didn't say anything, the truth is, Bellamy wasn't the reason she couldn't sleep. She was tempted to lie against his warm body last night and fall asleep, but she was too busy. . overthinking.

She didn't want Bellamy to leave, where would he go? Surely he hadn't been here long enough to know his way around. Clarke was still getting momentarily lost sometimes, the village was bigger than it looked. "Where will you go?" Clarke whispered.

"Some of Lexa's guards stayed here, i'm bound to find one of them near the gates. I'll stay with them." He tried not to look at her wrists. "Just get some sleep."

Before Clarke could protest, he had already left the room, locking the door on his way out. Clarke let another tear fall, she didn't know why she was crying, she didn't know why she wanted Bellamy to stay in the room. It was something about his presence that just made her feel. . safe.

After tossing and turning multiple times throughout the night, Clarke managed to get one or two hours worth of sleep. Hopefully that got her through the day.

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