Chapter 18

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By the time that Lexa and Gustus arrived, there were 13 people who had been diagnosed with the flu.

Quarantine had gone into affect again, this happened every year, they should be used to this by now. It was never an easy time when the flu arrived every year, it was like the whole kingdom had gone into temporary state of depression.

Almost no one left their homes unless they were attending their vital duties, this helped to contain the sickness a bit, but not entirely.

The left wing of the building was a quarantine ward. No one went in unless they were sick or if they were doctors who were doing their jobs and no one left unless they were clear of the sickness.

Clarke and her mother were the first to volunteer to help everyone during the flu season. They did it every year and they rarely got sick, Abby had gotten sick with it two years ago, but that didn't stop her from helping her patients who were in need of her service.

As for Clarke, she had been volunteering for 7 years now and she had only gotten sick once. She could only hope that her immune system was strong enough to fight it off this year.

It was common that people would live if they had inhabited the flu, but it was also common that they would die from it as well.

Clarke and Abby knew the risks of volunteering, but that didn't stop them from helping their kingdom no matter what stood in their way.

Bellamy had argued with Clarke about her choice to volunteer, telling her that she would get sick. She argued back to him, letting him know that there was no way that he was going to stop her so he might as well save his energy.

Clarke and Bellamy knew that with the sickness spreading and Lexa arriving, they wouldn't have much time together. So they made the most of their time together, satisfying each other into the early morning of Lexa and Gustus's arrival.

Clarke was tending to a patient who was complaining about mild headaches when she heard the sound of the gates opening. Lexa and Gustus were here and now things were starting to get serious.

Clarke peered out of the window as she watched Trikru make their way through the village. It wasn't nearly as lively as it had been when they were here last, when Lexa had brought Bellamy to her.

Clarke smiled thinking back to the day that she had met her husband for the first time, never in a million years would she have thought that it would turn into this.

She was sure that she wouldn't be able to fall in love with him when she first met him, her people were the only reason why she was so open to the idea. But after a few days she realised that he wasn't as bad as she had thought him to be. She was kicking herself about those thoughts now, she hated herself for ever thinking less of Bellamy.

He was probably the most real person she had ever met, besides his sister.

Clarke was sure to wash and rid herself of any germs before she had any contact with the king and queen of Trikru, she did not want to be the reason why they got sick. Even if Bellamy had told her that they never got sick, she still took it as a precaution.

After soaking herself in steaming hot water she quickly dressed and made her way to where Lexa and Gustus were surely talking to Jake and Abby.

She made her way to the hall silently wandering if Bellamy was going to be there as well. She had no idea if his duty as Lexa's second was back in motion now that she was in his presence.

After saying hello to a few of the maids she finally made it to the hall, she pushed open the doors and all eyes were on her.

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