Its Horrible

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Calvin Lived with his Roommate Greg, Neither of them liked each other but they both made some money and together they could pay off the bills and whatnot.

The only thing Calvin liked about living together was that they both had separate rooms and never needed to talk to each other, the only time they do is when they were deciding on dinner. Both YouTubers never really ate except some snacks every now and then but they do eat dinner since neither like going to bed with an empty stomach.

Calvin needed to go out to pick up some things for a skit but Of course Greg wouldn't let him out, "fuck you greg now let me out, i need these thin-"
"What are the things you need leafy boy?" Greg growled then snatched Calvin's list leading to the younger boy flipping out and grabbing the piece of paper, tearing it in half.
Greg looked at calvin after reading his piece and pushed Calvin into his own room, "Ill get the things.. dont leave this room" he closed the door and calvin swore he saw a slight smirk coming from the older man as he left.

"That guy is weird.." Calvin rolled his eyes then walked to his desk and started to doodle on his notepad while thinking of some video ideas, "wait.. Greg doesnt know what to get.. HE TOKE THE HALF THAT DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING" Calvin exclaimed then sighs, "hes not getting anything so ill just get them myself" he got up and opened the door but that was a mistake.

Greg saw the door open and calvin walking out, he snatched calvin by the collar of his shirt and snarled, "didn't i tell you not to leave?" Now put this on" he threw a bag at calvin, "oh, and shave your legs and beard" Greg slammed the door and walked off, leaving calvin speechless and looking at his legs, "why?" He looked up at the door then sighs and looked at the clothing, "greg you retarted piece of shit im not wearing this" calvin rolled his eyes and threw the bag down.

Greg walked back in with ducktape and wax strips, "try the outfit on now calvin or you ain't gonna like what i have planned for plan B"
his smirk returns making calvins heart race with anxiety, "but i dont want to.." he looked down and furrowed his eyebrows, "you can't tell me what to do IM FUCKING 2-" Greg pinned calvin on his bed and tied his hands together with the ducktape after stripping calvin of his shirt. "GREG THIS ISNT FUNNY LET ME GO" calvin yelled then got his mouth ducktaped closed, "shut up plant let me do what you asked for" he stripped Calvin completely and slipped on one of the laced panties, screams and muffles came from Calvins ducktaped mouth, "now lets shaved these little legs of yours" he purred while stroking calvins legs.

Calvin was shaking and trying not to cry, muffling "please stop" over and over but nothing worked, Greg put down a wax strip and rubbed it to get it activated, Greg rubbed calvins stomach and calvins eyes were tightly closed waiting for the pain, Greg ripped it off and calvin flinched whining nonstop like he was whining for every hair that was ripped out. Greg continued until calvins legs were as smooth as a babys bottom and rubbed them seductively, "bad boy, boys dont cry, stop crying" he slapped calvins behind and smiled when calvin was hiding his face in a pillow,

"such a cutie" greg smirked and grabbed the outfit which contained a pastel pink sweatshirt with the word, 'peace' written in white with white booty shorts that the sweatshirt covered and thigh high thin white socks, he dressed Calvin in them and cooed "smile for the camera" Greg exclaimed and toke a few pictures of the depressed looking boy in feminine clothing, "baby boy look at me, you look so adorable ok? Dont be sad, its ok" he picked up Calvin and held him. Calvin socked greg and ran out of the house not minding how he looks at the moment, "Maybe ill be kidnapped and live somewhere better then that place" he sobbed and curled up on a bus bench.

Its Ok, You Look Cute. Leafy X OnisionWhere stories live. Discover now