No problem

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I own No pictures I use for images, I just look it up on Google lmao

Greg picked up Calvin and brought him to their bed and laid him down, he dressed Calvin in some shorts and kissed his forehead.

Calvin shifted slightly and snuggled into the sheets as Greg crawled into the same bed. He spooned Calvin and slowly drifted to sleep. Humming softly as he listened to Calvin's soft snores.

Calvin woke up in the middle of the night and looked at Greg, "Greg" he whispered and tapped his nose, "Gregg" he whispered louder. He huffed then got up and walked to the bathroom,

Calvin yawned and looked into the mirror. He stopped and looked down at his stomach, he grabbed a sweater and slipped it on.

Calvin sighed, "gross" he hissed at himself, and whined.

Warm arms wrapped around Calvin's waist, "why you up baby?" Greg mumbled tiredly. Calvin whined, "nothing". Greg kissed his neck, "come back to bed".

Calvin nodded and walked back to bed. Greg hummed, "you're beautiful baby, don't think otherwise. I wouldn't lie to you" he crawled into bed once again.

Calvin beamed and snuggled into the blankets. Greg chuckled and fell back to sleep once he felt Calvin cuddle into his chest. "You promise?" Calvin whispered, a heard a soft 'hm' and nodded to himself.

Calvin couldn't sleep for the rest of the night, Greg's arms would wrap around him to keep him warm but that wasn't the reason. He looked out the window,

A shadow figure was at the window, tapping the glass and Calvin shrunk under the blankets. "Calvin!" He heard a muffled call. He glanced back at Greg then walked to the window, Ian stood there, beaming when he saw Calvin.

"Calvin come on" he whispered a yell. Calvin tilted his head, "why?" He heard a small groan, "princess come back to bed". Calvin glanced back and forth, "I will Greg give me a minute" he chimed back as he leaned further out the window.

"Why? You can go back home, I'm fine here.."

Ian looked at him, "you left me for him?". Calvins breath hitched, "no he took me back. You left me at the store" Calvin whined.

Calvin whinced when he started to feel sore, Ian glanced "you.." he started off. Calvin blushed and covered his face. "You absolute whore" he growled.

Calvin stopped and looked at him, "you gave up your body for what? A simple praise? I protected you from him!". Calvin glared, "we did something Ian! Shouldn't that be enough for you? It's was fake!" He hissed.

Greg sat up and rubbed his eyes, "babe I'm gonna use the bathroom, come back to bed before I'm done already princess?. Calvin nodded, "yes Greg" and looked back at Ian.

"All he does is say you look pretty and you'll suck him off huh!" Ian grabbed Calvin's face, "isn't that true!".

Calvin teared up, "he says things ive never heard come from someone's mouth! Not even mine! He says I'm perfect and that everyone wishes they looked like me! I know I look disgusting! I know I look like I crawled out of a horror film! But to hear someone say I look nice today is something that makes me happy!"

Calvin sniffled, "I'm sorry that I fell for someone who makes me happy"

He pushed Ian and slammed the window shut, tears streaming down his face. Greg walked out of the shower, "baby girl are you alright? Did you have a nightmare" Greg whispered.

"Why do you love me?" Calvin whispered, never looking up. Greg chuckled, "you're charming Calvin, you have a funny sense of humour and a body like a goddess". Calvin hummed, "is that all I'm good for..?" He looked up at Greg.

Greg looked at him, "no.. no of course not" he sighed with a smile and stroked Calvins hair, "you're perfect, your smile, your laugh and your voice is so sweet to listen too".

Calvin looked up at him as Greg wiped away his tears, "theres nothing to be insecure about" he whispered, "I know people may stare, you're unique and beautiful. If you saw a stunning model you'll stare too no?".

Calvin nodded, "that's what I thought, do you wanna watch a movie baby? I'll stay up with you until you fall asleep you look exhausted".
Greg hummed as he hugged Calvin, hearing the small boy sob into his chest,

Greg's heart broke into two as he slowly picked up the boy, Calvin was shaking until Greg laid him back down, he frowned and stroked Calvins cheek, "baby don't cry" he whispered and kissed his forehead.

Calvin looked at him, "I don't wanna be like this anymore" he sobbed and Greg looked at him, "what do you mean". Calvin held his stomach, "I don't want to have to look at myself everyday, to see if anything has changed" he sniffled.

Greg awed as he held the boy, "Calvin.. oh you precious thing I didn't know you took yourself this far". He whispered, "you're stunning just the way you are.." he hummed as Calvin rubbed his eyes, wiping away the tears.

Calvin sniffled and giggled when Greg started blowing raspberries on his tummy. "Stop!" Calvin shrieked and put his hands on Greg's head. "That tickles" Calvin beamed

Greg smiled, "there's that smile I love to see". Calvin blushed and couldn't stop smiling, Greg put on the Movie and wrapped his arms around Calvin.

Calvin smiled as he looked up to him, "thank you Greg". Greg nodded, "no problem baby", he watched Calvin drift to sleep and a smile creeped onto his face. "No problem"

Its Ok, You Look Cute. Leafy X OnisionWhere stories live. Discover now