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Ian kept driving until it was late, so he decided to stop at a motel for the night. A small shiver went down Calvin's spine as he watched the motel, "looks a bit run down".

Ian hummed, "yeah but it'll do" he got out of the car, along with him a small bag fell out of his pocket.

Calvin picked it up, a small hum came from him and he shook it in Ian's direction

Ian snatched it quickly, "don't mess with that". Calvin whined, holding onto Ian's sleeve.

"Just weed, could be worst" Ian shrugged and walked to the main office to get a room with Calvin walking close beside him.

Calvin spotted a mysterious man, tugging on Ian's sleeve to get his attention but failed as Ian shushed him and wrapped his arm around him, "come on we got a room"

Calvin stayed close to Ian, looking back a bunch to try and see the man, "what's got into you" Ian hissed. Calvin looked at him and groaned, point behind him tugging back on Ian's arm.

Ian sighed, "I don't have all day" he picked up Calvin and held him, causing the smaller boy to groan and blush. Embarrassed obviously since he is a 21 year old man being carried like a child. Calvin heard the door open behind him and sighed in relief, but his breath hitched when he saw the man walk up to them.

"Ian" Calvin weakly cried out and Ian turned around. Stopping as he looked at the tall man, "oh hi Jessie.."

Calvin looked at Ian, 'he knows this guy?' he thought to himself, 'but h-'

"I'm here for my money you owe me?" Jessie growled. Ian shifted, "ahh- I don't have it right now, I just spent it on the room for the boy-"

"Well I need something, don't I Ian".

"You can have the r-" Ian tried to offer.

"I want the boy"

A small squeak came from Calvin as he looked at the two. Ian had put him down earlier, but right now he wish he didnt.

Hiding behind Ian, Calvin heard a deep growl come from the bigger man. Ian shook his head, "no you can't" Ian snapped back.

"You're not gonna lay a finger on him" Ian huffed, "I'll have the money by tomorrow".

Calvin looked at him, 'how is he going to get the money?' he thought and saw Ian turn to me once the man left, "I'll sell my van.."

Calvin choked and shook his head, 'we need that to drive!' he huffed and thought to himself. Typing on his chat app, "car wash? You're not selling your van!"

Ian chuckled, "bud I owe him so much, this room took up the rest of what I had left"

Calvin typed, "why did he want me?" He looked at Ian.

Ian patted his head, "you know how these things work" he smiled and sat on the bed with his head in his hands.

Calvin whined, "ill do it Ian, is it just once?" He type out, gagging a bit. Ian looked at him, pulling him onto his lap, "I don't know Calvin, but I'm not gonna let him have sex with you over drugs alright? I'll find a way".

Calvin huffed and nodded, laying his head on top of Ian's. A couple hours later lan was asleep, Calvin on the other hand not so much. He kept thinking about it over and over then got out of the bed, shutting the door and running down the hallway, "excuse me" calvin typed, "do you recall a tall man leaving this building?".

The woman shook her head, "I know one checked into a room, room 324" she tilted her head, Calvin nodded, "thank you!" He typed once more before running to the room.

By the time he got there he was exhausted, thinking to just call it quits until he heard the door open.

"Why hello.." a deep voice greeted him, Calvin typed on his phone, "I don't want Ian to sell his belongings" he huffed, almost gagging as his room reaked of pot.

"And?" Jessie questioned, "ohh you went to do the alternative" he smirked. Calvin shyly nodded and put his phone in his back pocket.

"Glad we came to a compromise" he chuckled

"we'll have fun"

Calvin whined and covered his face, hating the smell of weed. "Why are you complaining? Your man smells like it constantly"

Calvin looked confused and shook his head, a weak, "-no" was all he could push out as he rubbed his throat.

Jessie looked at him, "why don't you speak- shy?". Calvin shook his head, typing, "I hurt my throat badly in an accident, I should be fine in a few days"

Jessie chuckled, "a shame. I like vocal people". It took a Calvin a second before he gave Jessie a disgusted look, sitting down on the bed he played with the end of his sweater.

Jessie grabbed Calvin's face, spraying him with something that he couldn't name then let go of him. Calvin whined, rubbing his face but only made the smell worst. It was a sweet smell, almost putting him to sleep but it was more like a hazy trance.

Jessie laid Calvin down with no issues and stripped him of his clothing, "perfect"

Calvin whined and rolled over but Jessie had other plans and pushed him back down, opening his legs. After that Calvin didn't quite give him anymore trouble, other than his hands randomly touching Jessie.

A knock was heard at the door, "Calvin?"

Howdy I'm sorry this took forever for a next chapter eek. I get so busy with my other one I forget anywho I didn't know if any of y'all wanted sum SmUt so ya know if you do 👀 say so in the comments

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